I hate generalizations that are untrue.
Look at what I found under my What's Hot tab:

Seriously? Have you considered that she's sleeping? Or dead? Or in school during a lesson? Or in silent lunch? Or typing a blog post? None of those are particularly dangerous. If a girl is silent, she could just be plain thinking. Is that dangerous? I suppose if we start letting people actually think, they might just realize how stupid so many aspects of society can be. Maybe then people would start trying to change things for the better. What's wrong with that? Right, nothing!
I can already see all those people who fear change shuddering. Oh no, a threat to life as we know it! We can't change! No! Aaaaah! Thinking is so dangerous!
As much as I disagree with this person, I'd like to see what he/she thinks about boys being silent. I wonder if it would be the same or if the person thinks silent boys are plotting something sinister, violent, or both.
Also, I think this is a great example of America's unfortunate "extrovert ideal." You know, how the loud, bold people are often seen as the smart ones or the leaders or quite simply, the ideal person, and being quiet is simply not that good. Quiet children are labeled shy or too sensitive and poked and prodded to speak more often. Quantity does not guarantee quality, and I think that applies to human speech too. I mean, occasionally, I am quiet because I am feeling hurt (but never because I was about to combust). That does not mean it's the only possibility for being quiet. I often prefer to just think or be alone, and that does not mean I have suicidal intentions, depression, or the desire to be a serial killer. I simply want to "recharge" and think about what's going on in the world. Personally, I think if everyone took just a little more time to contemplate things instead of complaining loudly about them, we would get a lot more done and there would be a lot less conflict and annoying people.
Think about it. Silently. Shhh.
Look at what I found under my What's Hot tab:
Seriously? Have you considered that she's sleeping? Or dead? Or in school during a lesson? Or in silent lunch? Or typing a blog post? None of those are particularly dangerous. If a girl is silent, she could just be plain thinking. Is that dangerous? I suppose if we start letting people actually think, they might just realize how stupid so many aspects of society can be. Maybe then people would start trying to change things for the better. What's wrong with that? Right, nothing!
I can already see all those people who fear change shuddering. Oh no, a threat to life as we know it! We can't change! No! Aaaaah! Thinking is so dangerous!
As much as I disagree with this person, I'd like to see what he/she thinks about boys being silent. I wonder if it would be the same or if the person thinks silent boys are plotting something sinister, violent, or both.
Also, I think this is a great example of America's unfortunate "extrovert ideal." You know, how the loud, bold people are often seen as the smart ones or the leaders or quite simply, the ideal person, and being quiet is simply not that good. Quiet children are labeled shy or too sensitive and poked and prodded to speak more often. Quantity does not guarantee quality, and I think that applies to human speech too. I mean, occasionally, I am quiet because I am feeling hurt (but never because I was about to combust). That does not mean it's the only possibility for being quiet. I often prefer to just think or be alone, and that does not mean I have suicidal intentions, depression, or the desire to be a serial killer. I simply want to "recharge" and think about what's going on in the world. Personally, I think if everyone took just a little more time to contemplate things instead of complaining loudly about them, we would get a lot more done and there would be a lot less conflict and annoying people.
Think about it. Silently. Shhh.
I know that feeling.