Yeah, I posted once last week, but that's hardly regularly. I wish I could be here proclaiming that I can definitely post something fascinating every single day, but I guess I can only say the opposite. I don't think I can post much in the upcoming weeks. I've got camps to go to and books to read. I'll also be out of town for a couple weeks, and I'm not sure if I'll have internet. I don't know where N is right now. Wherever he is, he also is not posting. I actually doubt he's visited the blog in the past weeks. I was hoping for more posts about India, but oh well. GM will be going to another country very soon, and she probably hasn't recently been on the blog. I'm unsure what she's up to now.

Well, seeing that our few readers haven't been reading that often and there have been very few posts, I'm considering "resting" the blog for a while. You know, none or very little posts. Oh wait, that seems to be happening already... However, I do have some post ideas if anyone's interested. OR I can save it until near the end of summer break when we're all back home again or something.
Anyway, if anyone wants to give an opinion, please comment. That is if anyone besides me reads this post.
Well, seeing that our few readers haven't been reading that often and there have been very few posts, I'm considering "resting" the blog for a while. You know, none or very little posts. Oh wait, that seems to be happening already... However, I do have some post ideas if anyone's interested. OR I can save it until near the end of summer break when we're all back home again or something.
Anyway, if anyone wants to give an opinion, please comment. That is if anyone besides me reads this post.
No! Please don't, Rachel. It's not the blog or us. It's the dreaded "Summer Vacations" that are keeping us from reading and/or posting. Half of everyone is in an Asian country currently. I'm in the Appalachian Mountains, and you and some other people are in Memphis. And, isn't the First Birthday coming up? Maybe we could throw a party or create an event.