
The Why Not Team
Hello, there! If you're on this page, I'm guessing you're one of our new readers who's wondering who the heck writes this blog. Or maybe you're one of our long time followers. Let's begin...

Overall, the Why Not team is just a group of insane kids, currently including...

The person who thought of the original idea to make a blog and writes most Musical Mondays, random "filler" posts as well, and a few Technology These Days posts.
The co-founder of the blog who puts up trivia questions a lot and sometimes posts about various aspects of the world, often calling people barbarians...
Link to all (or most) posts ever written by or mentioning GM

Our main somewhat tech support guy who supports technology by writing many awesome Technology These Days posts (TTD) on which no one comments. He was also the third member to join.
Link to all (or most) posts ever written by or mentioning N

Residential bragger and "most legit Asian" we all hate to love and love to hate. Or something like that... Alec is no longer on the blog.
Link to all (or most) posts ever written by or mentioning Alec

Wendy Smith
Mysterious confuser of many, writer of little whose identity will not be revealed. Wendy is currently having an extremely prolonged near-death experience.
Link to all (or most) posts ever written or mentioning Wendy 

Guest Authors
Guest authors have been Lily and Connor. Guest authorship usually comes from winning viewer number contests.

The Why Not Mission
The Why Not team strives to entertain you and make you ask "Why not?" the next time you consider  using correct grammar, analyzing a meme, or being a great person. In other words, use correct grammar! Analyze memes! Be a great person!

Why Not Terminology
In general, Why Not 2000 refers to the blog itself. 2000 is usually replaced when referring to other aspects of Why Not. For example, Why Not Team refers to the team that works to make sure the blog lives; Why Not Page refers to the blog's Google+ page currently under construction and so on.

*Stuff will continue to be added.*