Tuesday, October 30, 2012


From now on, any comment that asks "WHO IS WENDY!!!!!!!!" or "MAKE ME AN AUTHOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!" will be classified as spam.


Before you ask, no, that is not us!

After performing at our school's annual dinner thing, we noticed there are a few general categories each member of the audience falls into.

RF-1. The I-Must-Take-Ten-Million-Pictures-By-The-Time-I-Leave Parent
RF-2. The I-Am-Here-Only-Because-My-Brother/Sister-Is-Performing-Now-Let-Me-Read-In-Peace sibling
N-  3. The omg-these-people-suck-i-am-texting-and-not-paying-attention person
RF-4. The Everyone-Knows-I'm-Way-Better-Than-Those-Morons-So-I'll-Just-Talk-To-My-Friends student
RF-5. The I-Must-Cry-Now-Sorry-Guys little kid
RF-6. The I-Know-Nothing-About-Music-And-I-Am-Stupid-How-Did-I-Get-Here-Anyway-Huh Kid
N-  7. This-is-so-boring-when-will-the-band-people-come person
N-  8. Whispering-"NOOB-That-guy-used-an-incorrect-bowing" junior critic
RF-9. Those parents with the dull passive expressions that seldom change...
GM-10. I-Will-Leave-After-My-Kids-Perform-And-Not-Listen-To-The-Top-Groups-Because-I-Hate-Music-That-Sounds-Good parent
Sarah-11. This-show-is-boring-so-I'm-going-to-go-to-the-bathroom-to-get-rid-of-my-boredom person
*Have you spotted any other categories of people in audiences you've seen?*
Comment if you think we should add pictures accompanying each category listed.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Alec Returns! (Dun dun dun)

So just when we say he left, he decides to come back, in comment form too... That's Alec for you!

Weird Fads and Trends

Sillybandz and its many variations- Remember a couple years ago when so many kids walked around with colorful rubber bands hiding their wrists? Me too. I'm not sure how these got so popular. Some reasons could be that they're relatively cheap, colorful, and come in many shapes. (Actually they were overpriced; a small container of about 10 Sillybandz was usually around $2. I think-GM) it was more expensive.-N However, they have caused deep cuts on the wearers' wrists. There was a story about a little kid who wore almost 60 of them for two days or so. He couldn't get them off, so he got his dad to do it. When he did, the kid started bleeding. When they got to the hospital, they discovered a few had dug into his flesh. Why on Earth did some wrist cinching rubber bands become popular so quickly? On the other hand, some companies made rubber bands so loose and gigantic that kids wore them around their necks. Sillybandz are as silly as the name says. Rubber bands have so many logical uses (ie. shooting your enemies, absorbing kinetic energy, marking a book, holding your broken insert broken object here together, or even keeping that huge bundle of stuff from falling apart), but putting them on your wrist is pretty dumb, in my opinion.
Ripped jeans- I don't get it. If you want ripped jeans, go to Good will or go rob a hobo. Why pay so much? It used to be people either mended or trashed ripped clothing, especially pants I'd imagine. And now, there are designer jeans with holes selling at the mall? (Actually, I think ripped jeans are still popular, so it doesn't count as a fad.-GM) Okay, let's call it a trend. -RF

(More to come! Suggestions are welcome!)

Think About It 3- Stuff to think about with commentary

Hello! It's time for another Think About It! I accidentally deleted #2... Sorry about that.

List #3
Some sayings contradict others. For example, the early bird gets the worm but good things come to those who wait. Which one is better advice?
RF- Sayings can be very confusing! To answer the question of which one is better advice, I have to say it depends on the situation.

There's an exception to every rule. You've heard that before, right? So is there an exception to the rule that there's an exception to every rule?  And is there an exception to that? Sorry for confusing you...
Yeah, well, I just like telling this to people to see their responses. I actually don't have anything intelligent to say about this one.
n-there is an exception to every rule including that on and there is an exception to and there is an excption to that ect.

The Universe is supposedly expanding. What is it expanding into? What is it pushing away or against? What was in the space the universe expanded into before the Universe was there? What exists besides the Universe, which is supposedly infinite?
dark matter maybe
Well, actually, I recently watched a video that says the universe isn't really expanding the way we automatically think of it but rather it's like a fabric that is stretched out or something...
n-yeah the space-time fabric
the way we know the universe is expanding is because when we look at other galaxies they are in redshift which means they are moving away from us infrared spectrum

It's really impossible for a war to be civil. How did the Civil War get its name anyway?
because civil means people
war between the people of a within a certain area
Okay. Well, no, it would then be "People War," which applies to just about every war. Can you name any major/notable war that was not between people?

In the sentence "What time is it?", what exactly does "it" refer to?
n-what is the position of the sun relative to the night and day expressed in minuets and seconds
So "it" stands for "the position of the sun relative to the night and day expressed in minuets and seconds?" Well, that does make sense.

People who arrive first tend to sit on the seats on the two ends of a row, forcing the people who come afterwards to have to bump and shove them and step over their feet and knees to get to the seats.
Super annoying! However, I tend to do this too...
Maybe a little bit...
Some cartoon characters seldom change clothes.
yet Bollywood actors change clothes and scenery way too much during a song

Should you believe a sign that says "Don't believe everything you read."?
n-yes 'cause its true
Yeah, but the thing is that you just read that statement, thus making it slightly harder to decide whether to believe it or not. Based on previous experiences though, most people will believe it.
On a Children's vitamin bottle is a label that says "Keep out of reach of children." If you keep it out of reach of the child, how is the child supposed to eat the vitamin?
n-ur not supposed to have it without adult supervision
or it means small children

People are always rushing. Hurry up and do this and hurry up and do that. In the end, aren't they just racing towards death?
n- because they will be saving time to get more sleep and increase there life to do other stuff
That would be the logical explanation, I guess. The problem with people is they might not take advantage of this extra time to sleep and therefore increase lifespan or do anything else of that type...

What would be the proper conjugation of the verb "+1"?

Why can't Alex get a girlfriend?

Why is this even on here?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Authorship on Why Not

Hi! Apparently, I am to email you a paragraph for authorship permission.
     First, I am friends with all of the authors. I do write posts that are 2% understandable. I don't write in text language too often or overuse capitol letters. I used to not write too many posts because I was busy. But now, I post things on the blog more frequently. I do show at least some insanity for your blog. I am seriously (I don't know why) addicted to the fish feeding thing. I know enough math (I got into Algebra 1). I also qualify for the optional requirements. I play the piano and flute. On the piano, I can play all the scales (both major and minor). On the flute, I can play the C, F, B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G flat, G, A, D and B chromatic. There's probably more that I didn't list cause I can't remember them all right now.  

Art Freak!!!
-Sarah Liu

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Technology These Days- iPad Mini ad

Which ad is more accurate?



(The music is Heart and Soul, by the way. I don't know the composer.)


I was browsing through some other blogs a couple days ago. There was one with a photography contest with the topic of the photographs being children. I found this comment on the winners page left by one of the winners...

Friday, October 26, 2012


Here's some random somewhat amusing things.

Example posts

if u want to write an example post email it it to nilaivemula.circleeleven@blogger.com

Thursday, October 25, 2012

There's Always A Catch: Slogan Parodies Staring with "S"

I just wanted to share Connor's wonderful post with everyone who doesn't read his blog. Yes, I'm aware he spelled "starting" wrong...

There's Always A Catch: Slogan Parodies Staring with "S": State Farm- "Like a weird stalker, State Farm is there! Subway- "Zombies, eat flesh!" Skittles- "Taste the processing!" Starbursts- "Isn'...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Only Submission =(

This is Connor's submission, sadly also the only submission unless you count my design. Come on, people! Enter the logo contest!

Update- Well, N sent me two now.

Alec Hasn't Actually Left

Alec Hasn't Actually Left

Yesterday, I made a post about Alec leaving Why Not. However, he didn't actually leave. Sometime yesterday, a bozo hacked into a Why Not team member's account and deleted Alec from the team. Or it was a glitch. Or a Why Not person accidentally deleted him.

Musical Mondays #4 reposted

I know I posted this already, but no one saw it apparently so here it is again...
Sarah and Lily, I moved your comments over.

Okay, for this Musical Monday, I'm doing something different! Since I'm a bit short on time, out of ideas, and also becuase I love quotes, I'm going to do a "Lyrics Edition" of Musical Mondays.

I post a bunch of lyrics. You guys comment what song you think each set of lyrics is from, without using a search engine! Extra points if you give who the song is by. I'll look over them and post the winner. No, the winner doesn't get any prize of monetary value, just happiness. Here we go!
(GM, don't ask where we're going.)

Wendy's E-mail

someone *cough*Connor*cough* hacked wendy's account

from now on her email will be   wendy.smith.ws.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Best Bumper Sticker I've Seen

Must have!
It's not the most accurate statement, but still...

Share if you like it!

A Huge Hint...

 ..About Wendy's Identity!!

Here's another reliable hint from GM: Menger sponge! Hmm... this post seems to be too short.

Musical Mondays #4

 Okay, for this Musical Monday, I'm doing something different! Since I'm a bit short on time, out of ideas, and also becuase I love quotes,  I'm going to do a "Lyrics Edition" of Musical Mondays.

I post a bunch of lyrics. You guys comment what song you think each set of lyrics is from, without using a search engine! Extra points if you give who the song is by. I'll look over them and post the winner. No, the winner doesn't get any prize of monetary value, just happiness. Here we go!
(GM, don't ask where we're going.)

Saturday, October 20, 2012


It is time to rebel against the original owners of Why Not! We have been the underdogs for too long. We shall not simply "Ask Wendy." FROM NOW ON WE SHALL ASK ALEC!!!!

err... RM and GM could you please please please please make me a section called Ask Alec (where I can overthrow the original makers of the blog)?

In Denial...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am in denial.  RF and GM are both horrible horrible HORRIBLE organizers No offense, girls. I couldn't help but notice that all of the interesting things are at the bottom. (Once again I say "No offense, girls.") By interesting things, I mean the games. And I just have to criticize and groan about this because WHO LOOKS AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE FREAKING BLOG! If you want people to be entertained with this blog... you need to relocate those games... and update the status... and get more writers.  I am very very VERY frustrated with RF and GM. (You too, NV!) WHY ARE THE GAMES SO FREAKING EASY?!?!?!??!?!?!... Here are my scores:

Feeding the Fish- N/A
Simon Freaking Says- 32
Pacman- lolol I am not good at that so N/A
Tetris...- one hundred eighteen thousand one hundred thirty two (118,132)

Comment under if anyone beats any scores.

This is GM. If you think the games are too easy, then tell N. He is supposed to be tech support.
n- most games are not compatible
anyway just go to http://www.mindjolt.com/warzone-tower-defense.html
tell me what wave you have gotten to

A Post A Lot Like GM's

No one has entered my blog logo contest... Is there a reason? You can find setails under the "Contests" tab.  If you win, we'll use your picture as our profile picture on whatever accounts we end up making for the blog. Send them to Wendy- wendysmithwendysmith@gmail.com Yes, Wendy approved the use of her email.

While you're at it, enter GM's contest too!

Friday, October 19, 2012

No contest participants?!

No contest participants?!

For some reason, nobody has participated in any one of the contests. For obvious reasons, no one has participated in the 2222 contest, but for a not-so-obvious reason no one has participated in the guess-GM's-favorite game-contest. Lots of people are just saying "I REALLY, REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHO WENDY IS!!!!!" or "LET ME BE PART OF WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, if you really want to know who Wendy is, do the contest! We won't tell you just because you ask.

On the subject of contests, "be an author for Why Not" won the poll. Unfortunately, we will probably have to do the poll again. All of the Why Not team members except for "Alec" have agreed that "be an author for Why Not" will not be the grand prize. Why? Because we think that authors should not be chosen by luck. Most of the Why Not team agrees that we should only choose authors based on a few requirements:

Requirements for Authorship at Why Not

1. The person must be a friend of a Why Not team member. Or at least an acquaintance of a Why Not team member.
2. You must write appropriate posts that are at least 2% understandable.
3. You can not write in text language or overuse capital letters and/or exclamation points.(limit 232 exclamation points or capital letters in or after a sentence)
4. Person cannot be too lazy( example: writes less than one post a month)

5. Show at least some insanity or any other quality Why Not could use.  
6. Knows enough math ( at very least should know how to find area of rectangle)

Optional Requirements 
( It is recommended that you fulfill as many of these as you can, since we will consider your application more seriously if you do.)
1. Play an instrument( Must be an instrument that is not too simple; too simple instruments include: percussion instruments even kindergartners can play, recorder, any unpitched instrument, etc.) The person must also be able to play at least one scale on the instrument.
Actually, that's the only optional requirement.

You may have noticed that I mentioned "application" twice. That's because there is a new contest. If you want to be a Why Not team member, write an example post and say what instrument you play, if you play one. Then you can email the application to Wendy. (Yes, Wendy has agreed to let me use her email.)

Email Wendy at wendysmithwendysmith@gmail.com

Update: Don't leave your applications in the comments anymore. All of the applications in the comments are a bit too short.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ask Wendy

That is an opinion.
It also depends on what you mean by essence and existence.
According to dictionary.com --

Based on those definitions I would say that existence came first.
we are getting near page view number 2222

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wendy's (Nothing to do with our Wendy)

Wendy's, the restaurant, recently changed their logo for the first time since 1983.
The one on the right is the new one.
Which one do you like better? What do you think about the new one?

You can read more here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Musical Mondays #3

Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. Yeah, you've heard it before! By the way, it has terrible grammar which I do not approve of at all.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mini Link Day- Google+ edition

Apparently Lily decided to report Wendy's Google+ account as fake.

For everyone else's entertainment, here's a list of fake Google+ profiles.

I'm sure you can find others. If you find some really funny ones, email them to us.
Well, if you know our emails...

A clue

Wendy is a computer

Alec she is asian

she was made in china

A clue

if u want a clue about wendy look at her g+ profile

voki wednesdays 3

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Corruption of RF and N

  Today, I got on the blog and I was shocked to see that N invited someone to join Why Not without telling me beforehand, RF had canceled my contest, someone on the Why Not team has tried to impersonate me, and RF made a typo in the What's New section.
   What happened? Did you, N or RF, think that just because I haven't been on the blog for 2 days that you can just use my name to keep me from telling clues to the followers? So, if you don't want people to know who Wendy is, then why would you have a contest that has the true identity of Wendy as a prize? Can't I have a contest where I only reveal a clue, especially if you want to have a contest with the entire secret as a prize? Won't people bang more heads at that?
   I am officially re-opening my contest, and no one can cancel it because it is mine. I have rights to it. You don't. When I wrote it, it was technically copyrighted.

  Anyways, on a lighter note, I am going to post a clue about what my favorite game is to get everyone who reads this to enter the contest.

Ad from game

Update: The following people are recommended not to do the contest : 

New Author: Alec Vacanti

So as ya'll know.. I'm the new author! Of course everyone that's an author is asian except for "Wendy Smith." There's no new exception to that rule... I am also one of the hottest most legit asians you'll ever find. The names Vacanti, Alec Vacanti. I'm definitely the oldest person on the blog as I am a thirteen year old (just turned) teen. Thanks guys for reading...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Technology these days- google

all of you people may trhink of google a popular search engine that has all the answers

but is it really just a company that links websites to each other and brings them up when you search it


is it really just a company that gathers your personal information


is it a corporation that provides maps, wallets, phones, word proccesers and more

dive into to the secrets of Google with me... N

personally i like google a lot better than apple

my favorite thing about google is that pretty much everything they do is free or cheap because 95% of their revenue comes from ads *maybe u should try that apple*

i love searching and going on to google translate and looking at the earth and  directions and blah blah blah

my favorite tangible object by them would either by the chromebox and the nexus 7 *apple, why don't u try a  $200 tablet*
the only problem with the nexus 7 is no rear facing camera

Grand theft auto

What should i do for voki wednesdays

next week i am doing math
the week after that i am doing what it is like being part of why not 2000

i need to do after that
please let me know what i should do in the comments below


A new contest will be announced
If you are the 3333th page view then take a screenshot of it and send it to us

i was 1111

if u are 3333 then u get to do 1 of the following things

  • Write a post about anything u want 
  • u will learn who the identity of wendy is (must sign confidentiality agreement)
  •  something special

"something special " will be decided by our poll

note:if the something special is being a author u will email us the the posts and we will post it for u  

Thursday, October 11, 2012



About a day ago, I released a clue about Wendy's true identity. In the comments, RF asked where I got "'Nuff" from. I told RF that it was from my favorite computer game. I also said that I'd give another clue about Wendy's true identity to the person who correctly guesses what it is. So, if you think you know or really, really want to know who Wendy is, leave your answer and email address  in the comments.

Update: Apparently, everyone thinks Wendy is a computer program, so they aren't participating. Well, I'll just say that the Wendy-Real-or-Not post is untrue. 

Blog Logo/ Icon

I posted this a while ago as a possible blog button/icon/logo/whatever. Since we finally have a final blog name, I think we should work on getting a final design.
Comment with your suggestions! (It doesn't have to be anything like the picture above.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Link Day! Fall Break 2012

This is just a bunch of links, mostly for your entertainment over Fall Break.

To satisfy a certain follower who can't get over a certain trilogy. This Etsy shop sells jewelry with book pages. Select the "The Hunger Games" tab on the side to see the Hunger Games stuff.

For those of us who are not that certain follower. As you can probably guess, it's a parody of the Hunger Games.

Tetris! In huge huge version! We have a slightly smaller version at the bottom of the blog.

Tetris! In 3D! We have a 2D version at the bottom of the blog.

I really like this game for some reason.

A game with only one level involving elephants and pointy things.

Terribly funny english failures.

Chat symbols. I like using them in my status to surprise people.

Vihart is one of my favorite Youtube channels. This is her website.
(We are not affiliated or paid by any of the parties mentioned.)
Feel free to share your own links by commenting.
go to youtube and search "your grammar sucks"

Technology These Days

For some reason, no one ever really comments or gives us feedback on the Technology posts. I personally really enjoy writing and reading them So do N and Wendy. Right, N? Anyway,  but since you guys don't comment, I guess you either don't like them or love them so much you don't have the word to express your undying affection. I'm assuming it's the first one, but only you people who read our blog can prove me right or wrong. Please leave a comment telling your true feelings about the Technology posts.

(If you hate them, just tell us. We can take it.)

Final Blog Name!

As you can tell, we have a clear winner. It was tied for a while, 2 and 2. When I told this to Xintong, a classmate and follower, she told me she'd vote again for Why Not?. I suppose she is partially responsible for Why Not? winning.
Soon we might set up a few accounts for our blog, perhaps a Twitter or a Linkedin or other. We'll keep you updated.

Monday, October 8, 2012



A frequently asked question on this blog is " Who's Wendy?" I'll give you a hint, but only the people in the Why Not team's 3rd period (Algebra 1) will understand. To make sure N doesn't get mad at me, I'll only give you a vague hint: "Sam". (Sam is just a name, not an actual person. So, don't go ask people named Sam questions about Wendy.) 'Nuff hints. Go figure it out.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wendy - ask wendy

if you people do not tell us what wendy should write about we will ..um.. do some thing bad to you

technology these days- paper 53

app review

there is an app on ipad called paper 53
it is awesome
you use your finger as a brush the faster you go the wider the stroke is
the app is free but if you want the good brushes they are two dollars each
i recomend the color bruch because of its faded color
the outline pen is good too

it is excellent for practicing caligraphy
personally i thick several journals are stupid so i just made one 1000 page journal

here are some pictures of the app

Blog Name is Still Undecided!

Well, I thought putting up a poll would solve the problem of deciding which name to use. As you can see, we had a tie. I'm going to put up a new poll in which you must only pick one of the top two names. Vote! The poll ends Wednesday afternoon.
Click here to view the original post about the blog name.

Technology These Days- Google Gravity and more

What happened to Google?!?

Don't worry, it wasn't a massive earthquake  or a crazy virus. Instead, it's a little project called Google Gravity by "Mr. doob," a self proclaimed "Non-creative award-losing junior developer" according to his Twitter.
 You can view his other projects on his website http://mrdoob.com/
You can browse through them in the list at the top of his website's home page.
They're all really cool. Here are a few of my favorites.
Branching -- 3 versions

They're pretty pointless, though entertaining for a while.

3D Waveform

Like the title suggests, it's a 3D representation of soundwaves.

 Ball Pool

It's also rather pointless but somewhat entertaining.

Google Gravity

Probably my favorite of all. First picture is the results when I searched for Hunger Games. So many people asked for Hunger Games stuff I actually decided to try to incorporate some Hunger Games related things. Second picture is when I searched for Voki Wednesdays.
If you decide to stop by his website, comment with your opinions. If you have something for us to review, comment with your suggestion.
By the way, N will probably write a second Technology post this week on Paper 53, mentioned in his last Technology post.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Musical Mondays #2

By request of some person, I'm doing this musical Monday on Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson.
Oh, and I know it's not Monday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hunger Games

Hunger Games

Why do people like the Hunger Games? Is it because they want to read a story about kids getting murdered by the government from the point of view of a cat-hater? It's very confusing to me. Why would anyone like a cat hater, much less want  to read a story all about them winning  some major contest? In my opinion, cat haters should have their face clawed up and permanently disfigured. They don't deserve to win anything, either. Why? Because I like cats that much.

Wendy-Real Or Not?

If you didn't know Wendy is a computer program.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Need Help

    Well, as certain people have noticed, I haven't posted anything for a while. For the people complaining, (cough, cough, N,cough, cough, RF), I do have an idea for a new series, but first I need to figure out how to get pictures from a camera onto the blog. I should be asking N this, since he is tech support, but he hasn't been helpful with tech support. Also, for some reason, the picture on this post on the top of it.


A new person will be added to the blog. Her name is Wendy. She will be starting a new segment called Ask Wendy.


Monday, October 1, 2012