Monday, April 29, 2013

"Forever 21"

A couple classmates of mine were discussing things they would buy at Forever 21 (a store, that is), and I began to consider two things.

First of all, is it possible to be forever 21 years old, thus stopping time? Time itself is incredibly weird, but assuming "time" exists, I think that you can't stop it.

Second of all, if it were somehow possible, what would be the pros and cons. Of course to be "forever 21," time would need to be stopped. If it were stopped, then nothing would happen. I think being forever 21 years old guarantees that you look like you're 21 years old, and somehow all your legal documents have you as age 21. Would you age mentally though? Hmmm... For sake of simplicity, let's go with no. Anyway, assuming you somehow don't age while still moving through time, here is my list of good and bad things about being "21" forever.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Best School Project

Bored in class? Not to worry! Make one of these awesome contraptions.

But if you get bored, you can always stir up some trouble:


Since N doesn't post anymore, I would like to post this. He's not going to notice anyways, and no one except the authors reads Why Not? anymore. -GM
Best all-round car - McLaren MP4-12C
Best electric car - Tesla Model S
Best mid-engine supercar - Lamborghini Aventador
Worst car-Nilairve 2000

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Barbarians Strike Again!

Today I looked at the blog, and the Why Not? fish pond had 10 fish!
I thought that I had made it clear that there would only be two fish from now on in memory of the deceased!
You barbarians will not escape with this heinous crime!


(Since Nilairve Mula and RF have way more posts than I do, I have decided to make one of them at least every day.)

If you look under this post, you will see NV's  stats post. NV noticed a discrepancy right after posting it. You see, according to the blog stats button, Voki Wednesdays 1.5 has the most pageviews, at 92. But if you look at the first blog stats post, the screenshot says 121 views. Then if you look at the actual post, Voki Wednesdays 1.5 has 114 views.
However, you cannot un-view a post.
How did this happen?

Blog Stats

Most viewed post - Voki Wednesday 1.5  by Nilai Vemula
Most page views in a month - October 2012, 1916 pageviews
Most used browser to view WhyNot - Chrome, 49%
Most used operating system to view WhyNot - Windows, 82%
Most viewed page (other than Home) - Games
Most +1 Post - Ask Wendy by Wendy, 3 +1
Most Commented Post- Success! by GM 31 comments
Most Posts on one Tag - RF, 121 posts
Current Page Views- 9295 views

Nilai - 1 award
GM- 1 award
Wendy - 1 award
RF - 1 award

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to... Decode Internet Writing

Welcome, readers, to another instructional post from yours truly. Today, you will hopefully master the general guidelines of understanding words on the Internet! From my previous experiences, I have gathered the following notes for you to use.

How to Decode Internet Writing
Your simple and free guide to something you might already know how to do

1.Take a deep breath and hope the piece of text you will be reading is written in standard English.
2. Read through it. I often find that really difficult or strange looking things can be deciphered by reading out loud.
3. If you are lucky, the thing is written in standard English. Then you can just grin and keep on scrolling. However, chances are that you are not that lucky. In this case, you need to stop scrolling and sigh.
4. Next change every "u" into "you."
5. Pick out the words that look like they could possibly be some obscure word. Check if it is a contraction that is missing an apostrophe. If adding an apostrophe makes some sense, go ahead. For example, "cant" becomes "can't" and "wont" usually becomes "won't". (although it could be substituting "want")
6. If you see the word "ill" change it to "I'll." It's  unlikely the person actually means "ill."
7. Find the clumps of letters that seem like they could be typos. Most likely they are Internet acronyms. Just search them on Google.
8. If they are not Internet expressions, then they could actually be typos. Read the word out loud slowly and use context clues to guess what it should be.
9. If there are combinations of letters and numbers, there are two possibilities.
  • If the thing is pretty short, most of the letters' and numbers' names should be said. Basically, something like C U L8R would be "see you later." You have to actually say "cee yu luh-eight-er".
  • If the thing is a long chain of stuff, either the person hates the space bar or the numbers stand for letters. (I believe this is called "leet.") Assuming the second fact, I will provide a brief guide.
1= I, 2= Z, 3=E, 4= P, 5= S, 7= T, 8=B, 0= O
         You just replace each number with the corresponding letter. Sometimes people will also write
         letters using punctuation marks. For example, "w" might be written as "\ /\ /."  
10.  If you still don't understand it, drive to your local middle or high school and ask that clump of kids screaming and talking and texting. They will gladly help you read it after making fun of you. Of course by now you probably don't care that much....

Monday, April 22, 2013

More Chain Email

I received a piece of chain email, I suppose you would call it.(Here's another post about another email)
I was going to post it here, but I don't know if all of you readers want to read something so fake and bothersome to me....
So here is the link on Hoax Slayer -
The email I received had only the poem text. No photo or little paragraph at the beginning and end. No advertisements.

As you might be able to guess, I am about to rant about how much I dislike this and why.

There are some little things...
This has inconsistently poor grammar and randomly capitalized words:
"I'll try and be nice,
So maybe ill just get"

Why use correct "I'll" in one line and the incorrect "ill" in the next? 
"To not be affected
By this Poem"

Poem is now a proper noun everyone! Not...


Tragedy has truck the world.
First, someone stole my pencil pouch.

Evolution of Butter

In the olden days, people used to make butter by getting milk and other dairy products.
Nowadays, you can buy sticks of butter that are mass produced.
It comes salted and unsalted.
Anyway, if you know me, you know that I like buttered bread.
The main problem with this is that it is pretty much impossible to evenly spread the butter and cook it so it is golden brown.
I have tried many different butter an techniques, but I rarely get a perfect slice.
Back to the Evolution of Butter.
They came out with spreadable butter, which is great because you can spread it out evenly.
The main problem with is this is that when you spread it the bread becomes soft and weak.
Then they came up with squeezable butter which has the same problem as spreadable butter.
Next, Parkay came up with sprayable which I was truly excited about, but I must confess it has been an extreme disappointment.
All it is is some butter and vegetable oil sprayed out of a very focused hole. It would be marvelous if it came out as a slight mist that evenly spread across the bread.
I have still not found the perfect solution.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Evolution of Showerheads

I recently got a shower head to replace the really old an crappy one i had
The shower head i got is 10 times better because it has 5 different modes
and it also has a lot of different types of holes where water comes out
it is also a hand shower that has a stand so it can also be used as a wall shower

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Short Post #4

I know I haven't made one of these in a while, but playing French horn with braces is a load of crap.

How to Draw the GM Way, Part One

This is how you draw the GM way:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Brief Thoughts on Boston

A bit late, but I thought I would show you guys some things I thought of upon hearing the news of the Boston Marathon explosions...

As well as this quote from N, somewhat affectionately known as Nilairve Mula for time being....

This set of GIFs...

And this song....

Yeah, the world is a mess, but if you just take a look at all the people helping, I think it's plain to see there is some amount hope.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

No 8888, No Guest Authors

The title is self explanatory.

Why Not? Events Update

A fortnight ago, the Why Not? team decided to have another Why Not? event. We came up with two ideas:
a Why Not? game or a Why Not? novel.
The Why Not? game idea has been scrapped because most people need a college degree in computer programming to make anything more than a boring simple game.
The Why Not? novel is the only idea we have now. Any other ideas for the event will be welcome.

April Showers

My, my, my, people can be really weird.
This afternoon I was standing outside my school. Everything was going on as usual. Suddenly, heavy rain pours from the sky, and ear splitting shrieks were heard as the students not standing under some type of roof panicked and ran toward some kind of roof. As the wet people, ranging from soaked to possessing a couple dark spots where rain had touched them on their shirts, came hurtling by, I heard quite a few interesting quotes.

A screaming girl: Aggghhhhhh! Blaghhh! I got water dripping down mah nose! Ugh! Aghhh!
A girl frantically combing her hair: Oooh, my momma gonna have a child when she see me like this!
The principal to the huddled crazy masses: It's okay. You'll be fine.
The girl who was combing her hair in reply to the principal: I ain't fine!
A boy as he dances wildly in the rain: Oh yeah! Hahaha!
The principal reassuring someone: It's called an spring shower.
A boy to his stolid sister who finally smiles: Did you see the rain coming down? Like, woah.*
A girl grinning as the rain lightens: The rain was like WOOOSH! Huh huh!

*I don't think these are his exact words because I couldn't hear all of what he said.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Conflicting Views on Perfection

I'll now openly tell you that I often go on Google+ and Tumblr and people's blogs. Usually it's to see if someone awesome has posted anything awesome or if there's something interesting in one of the communities. Occasionally, it's because I am either bored or annoyed at the world, and I'm just looking for something to scoff at. Needless to say, I am not a perfect person.

However, I often come across really confusing messages that are supposed to be inspirational. Stuff like:
You are perfect and awesome just the way you are! Don't let those [insert curse word that is a plural noun here] get you down!

 Besides the colorful text that hurts my eyes, there are many problems with this....

How can one assume that only perfect people will read that?
How can one tell someone that he or she is flawless already if that person hasn't met the audience?
How can one encourage people with lies?
How can one be so certain that all readers do not need to change?
How can one possibly have the knowledge and authority to judge us?
Furthermore, what is perfection?
Why is it so prevalent now to encourage people? (Much more in later posts....)
But who am I to judge this?

Excuse me as I bash my head against an imaginary wall (because I am not stupid/courageous enough to headdesk....) and try to figure out stuff.

Friday, April 12, 2013

More Weird Fads and Trends

You guys might remember reading my first post about weird fads and trends. Since I have nothing better to do except to play piano, clean my room, eat pistachios, and such, I have decided to show you even more weird fads and trends!

Music from Around the World- First there was Gangnam Style, now the Harlem Shake. (Well, yeah, I admit it's kind of fading now.) K-pop is becoming increasingly popular, and of course, music from a certain British boy band. However, the reasons behind these puzzle me. I guess this one is more surprising than weird. A theory I have is that the world is becoming more globalized. I think that would be pretty wonderful, assuming that is indeed the case...

  Mustaches- Strangely enough, people suddenly like this type of facial hair. Strangely, this facial hair seems most popular when not on a face. I have seen countless amounts of duct tape printed with mustache shapes and also several phone and iPod cases. I think mustaches might be symbolic of people wanting to be better/different people without doing any work. I mean, aren't mustaches representative of well groomed, dandy gentlemen in vintage suits or something? Doesn't a mustache change the way people consider you? Aren't mustaches relatively easy to grow (for men....)? I think I am over thinking and using too many periods....

Monsters and Mythical Creatures- Let's see, the "Zombie Apocalypse," My Little Pony, vampires in general, the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books, Monster High.... You get the idea, don't you? I think monsters have always been quite popular among humans, but there are some that have risen to popularity recently. Like vampires and the Zombie Apocalypse.I think this trend (I say trend and not fad because monsters and mythical creatures cannot be purchased at extremely high prices and toted around to my knowledge.) is caused by people's uncertainty about death... Maybe.

Wait, how come everything starts with an "m"? Hmmm. I must go search for a trend or fad that doesn't start with "m"!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Another Idea

All of a sudden, more people are reading the blog, and people who have not visited the blog recently have come back.

The Why Not? team is not sure why this is happening.
We also noticed that no one likes the idea for a Why Not? novel, and if you do say something about it in the comments.
Even if you don't like the novel idea, we have another one that you may like more....
I'm not going to tell you what it is now, but if the secret gets leaked, you will know. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Explore Tab Post- 4/8/13

I couldn't resist...

Explain to me two things. Number one, why would a chicken be reading this? Wait, no, how would a chicken read or repost this? Number two, why must you use such weird and incorrect spelling? Replacing "you" with "u" is common and just proves you are lazy, but what is with #17, #22, #20, and #23? Oh well, what did I expect?

I immediately thought "Ming Lay!" If you don't know him, don't worry about it. I just thought I'd mention it to humor myself, really.

How did this get into the Explore tab? Is this some kind of modern art? What is so amazing about a "heart" drawn in snow with a red leaf placed on it? Was the awesome part the caption of "Love..."?

Are you encouraging murder? Enough said. Oh, one more thing, is this true?

This. Wow. Oh, never mind.

Yep, pretty much.

As a random side note, I actually do like Google+. I think I just like commenting on ridiculously great and terrible things more.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


First gm the cruel deletes me off the blog
after i give her some ideas about what to put on the blog
she sends me an invitation
to an author!
how am i supposed to start a literalist column without being an admin

Just a Reminder

If you answer a trivia question, we would like to know who you are.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Impersonation of Alec

 I can 't believe no one posted a comment begging me to return and write some more awesome Asian stuff!
What's that you say? You do miss me? Aww.! ;)
Well, hi guys and girls. I'm still ticked off at my fellow bloggers for doing all this stuff with my posts and the blog background and such.
Bye bye!
(Dear Alec, 
This post is completely friendly and not supposed to be very offensive.
Somewhat sincerely, 
RF and GM )

The Poll

Today I noticed that no one had tried to answer the Trivia-Poll at the bottom of the page. Then I realized that you can't read the question.
To combat this problem, I made the bar of stuff next to the posts even longer.
You should be able to see it now.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Children's Television

Recently I was watching a Chinese children's television program with my sister just an hour or so after watching PBS Kids, and I suddenly realized the extreme differences between Chinese and American children's television.

Here is an example plot line for a children's television show in America (on PBS or Qubo or something, not Cartoon Network):
Character gets up. Character walks to parents/friends/guiding figure. They hug and/or greet each other. They begin to play. A problem arises, or something needs to be found. Everyone gasps in terror. Character comes up with a possible solution. Possible solution fails. Character comes up with another possible solution. Possible solution fails. The deadline grows nearer. Everyone gasps in terror. Character has an epiphany. Character solves the problem by using teamwork (or other kind of respectable tactic)! Celebration! Yea! Someone makes a corny joke or comment that is supposed to be funny. Everyone laughs heartily. Scene fades away. Credits.
Here is an example plot line for a Chinese television program based on my experiences which may or may not be comprehensive:
Character and friends play outside. They go to search for something. Someone attacks them. Giant sweat drops appear and float before everyone's faces. They fight. Everyone ends up with a giant pink bump marked with bandages protruding from his or her forehead. The object is found. The attacker attacks again. The attacker is tricked into being cornered (somewhat) at the edge of a cliff. Character pushes the attacker off the cliff. Character grins as the friends basically worship him. Someone says something stupid. Everyone sighs in despair and then laugh weakly. Credits.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

See, I Was Probably Right.

Some days ago, I posted about Zorpia and my suspicions about it.
I was probably right.
How do I know?
Well, today I re-invited N and I saw why I had not been able to email Lily.
Her email address had changed.
So had Wu's.
These were two people who I know definitely joined Zorpia.
So, what's so disturbing about that?
Well, their addresses had been changed to a long string of incongruous letters and numbers and they were no longer using Gmail.
I don't think any of them would change their email into an incongruous mess on purpose. Zorpia's probably hacked their accounts, which means I was right.

Don't join Zorpia if you don't want your email to be hacked.


Nowadays, I often hear people describing themselves as hipsters in a positive way.
I strongly dislike the word hipster and strongly discourage its use.
Why? Because it is a symbol of the collapse of the society based on Fact and Truth and Knowledge and most importantly, Common Sense. This world teetering on the edge of annihilation is rapidly being replaced with one of unwiseness, unwise decisions, blind followers, and the acceptance of total crap as things of importance and godliness.

It's against common sense to just make up a word that means the same thing as words that already exist.
Besides, the word hipster can only describe a relatively small amount of the people in the world.
Few people actually like things before they are popular. 100% of the people who call themselves hipsters are not actually hipsters. And even if I am wrong and several of the so-called hipsters are actually people who liked popular things before they were popular, then they can be accurately described as people with no life who try to come up with as many achievements as possible to make themselves look as if their lives were
"awesome" compared to other's. People like this are also signs of society's collapse.

If you are a real hipster, then your achievement  should make you proud enough for you to use the words of the collapsing society who I still cling to.

Why Not? Novel

After the short period of high pageviews, Why Not? is now back to the minuscule amount of pageviews we had before.
Because of this, Rf and I have decided to write a novel that will hopefully bring people back to the blog.
We don't know when we are going to start, but N's temporary banishment has ended and he may write a few chapters.
We also don't know what the novel will be about.
Do not give us any suggestions right now.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Musical Monday #14

I know, I know, I haven't been posting these, and today is not Monday.
Anyway, I was originally going to talk about why I am slightly disgusted by Little Things by One Direction, but I decided against it.
Instead, I present you with....

This Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys