Monday, August 26, 2013

Persistent Online Tutor

I went to look up some math vocabulary and this happened.

The "live" Math Tutor (capitalized because that's apparently a title or something) obviously doesn't understand no and is determined to make me work on the whiteboard. *Sigh* Unfortunately, some real life teachers can be this way too.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


When someone is doing something really stupid or annoying over and over, it's like...



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More Poll Stuff

If you did the poll, please tell us what your reason was/is if you chose answer 3 or 4.

Things in China That Are Worth Mentioning

This has almost nothing to do with the actual post, but I, GM, have decided to quit using tags because they are useless.

As some of you know, I went to China for about a month, and saw some pretty interesting things. This is a list of these things.

  • Min Le Food Store
  • On several signs in China:"China Intangible Cultural Heritage" 
  • The brand of metal detector at a railway station: "Super Scanner"
  • A tour guide waving over a large crowd a foam hand with only the middle finger pointing upwards

Store Signs

I went to with my mom to pick up my sister from school and passed these interesting signs.

Open 7 Days- On a grocery store. It's a little vague, to me at least. So are you open seven days a week? Or are you open any random seven days? Or have you been open seven days since your grand opening? Or has this store existed since the beginning of time and will only open for seven days starting whenever it wants to? Oh, well, I think it's safe to assume it's open 7 days a week... But I did have fun thinking of all the possible meanings. They probably just didn't want to pay for a bigger sign.

Taxes-R-Us- Well that's a miserable name... I don't know what they do there. Hopefully, they help people with their taxes, not give people taxes. The name seems to suggest that they sell taxes to people. See, Toys-R-Us sells toys. So logically, Taxes-R-Us would sell taxes...

Mostly Trucks- I thought this one was amusing for no apparent reason. Maybe because it sounds so uncertain and conversational. "Hey, how are you doing?" "I'm okay... Mostly trucks." Something like that.

They coached you on starving before a buffet and gorging only on rib eye and lobsters. Seafood-phobes were deadweight in buffet Olympics.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Lie: "Just One Click Away! "

Today, we I found a clothing catalog in the mail. At the end, it said "Men's items are just a click away at *insert their website which I can't remember now*!" I went to their website, and unless you are on the website's homepage with your mouse right over the link to the men's clothing, you are not "just a click away."

So I tried to figure out how many clicks it would actually take if your computer was off, and you wanted to get to the men's clothing...
Click #1- After turning on the computer, you click on your account.
Click #2- After logging in, you click on your browser of choice.
Click #3- After your browse loads, you click on the address bar and type in the website.
Click #4-After the website's home screen loads, you click on the tab that reads "MEN."
Click #5- There aren't actually any men's clothing items on that page, so you then have to select a category of stuff.

Oh wait, there's more than clicks!
Don't forget the pushing of buttons/typing on the keyboard!
1 button push to turn on the computer
1 press of the enter key to enter your password
12 letters/symbols to type for the URL

The accurate advertisement would be:
Just 5 clicks, 1 button push, 1 key to press, and 12 typed characters away!

Unfortunately, it's not as catchy, but hey, it's honest.

 (Psst, you know what is just a click away once you have turned on your computer and opened your browser? The Why Not 2000 blog's latest posts! Well, assuming you've bookmarked it...)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Think and Say

Sometimes the things I think and the things I say are completely different. Well, not with my closer friends but with everyone else, yep. I don't know why I do this. Perhaps I try to conform to the weirdness/normalcy level of others around me, so I'm not singled out or something. Saying exactly what I think would probably make a lot of people either hate me or consider me extremely annoying, so I suppose saying things I'm not thinking is often a good thing.

For example:
When someone asks to borrow a tissue...
Think: Sure, have a tissue. But keep it! I don't want that tissue after you use it!Ugh.
Say: Sure...

When someone asks for anything with incorrect grammar...
Think: Aghhhhh, no, no, no. You're going to ask correctly. You should know after so many years of education! But really, I understand you, so it's arguable that this particular mistake isn't that bad, but still!
Say: Okay (if it's a reasonable thing) or No (if it's unreasonable)

When someone asks if I like his or her picture or essay or whatever, and I don't really like it much....
Think:Well, I can't say I don't like it because that would be mean. I hate to lie over something so insignificant.... But really, I think that's not terribly high quality.
Say: Uh, what a creative idea!

When everybody around me thinks someone's joke is funny...
Think: Huh? What the heck? Not funny at all! Wait, if I don't laugh they'll think I'm insulting their sense of humor, which, you know, I actually want to do since that joke was so stupid. Eh, whatever, just fake it again. There are bigger battles to fight.
Say: Ah-ha-ha! Ha... Ha...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stuff GM Found on Google+ Today

I would publish a whole rant about how sucky the normal manufacturers of pedometers must be if Pokemon makes one and it's actually better, but I'm out of time. The thing is self explanatory.
Also, I have no proof that this is true.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Random Fact#2

There are about 98 billion people that have ever died.

Short Post #8

RF decided to start Short Post #7, so this one is #8.

Many times, I have been asked the question "What is the point of life?"
One day, I actually began to think about it and found the answer.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

5 Craft Supplies that are Better than Duck/Duct Tape

I can't remember when duck/duct tape got so popular as a craft supply and decoration. It was somewhat interesting at first, seeing how many things people could create from rolls of sticky plastic mesh. However, it quickly became incredibly old (to me, at least) and duck/duct tape crafts lost any appeal it might have had in the beginning.*
The following items are definitely much better.

Friday, August 9, 2013

More Poll Stuff

Today I looked at the poll and someone besides Alec and N put in an answer. Unless you are a total stranger, please tell me your name and your answer.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


As usual, please tell me who you are and what you put as your answer on the poll if you answered.
If the answer choices don't show up, just highlight the place where they should be and the choices should show up. If they don't, tell me. There should be five answer choices.
If my directions don't make sense, tell me in the comments because the poll is actually important for once.


There is no explanation for my absence needed because only N wants to know.

One of my goals for this school year is to grow some claws. I know it's impossible for me to right now grow some actual claws like the ones on my cats. I just want some pointy nails so that when someone is being annoying, I can threaten them with them. The point is not to actually scare them, but to convince the annoying person that I am not perfectly sane, therefore causing them to back away. The same reasoning is also used for the "be too nice and polite about it" approach.

GM cannot think of a good conclusion to this post, so that is all.