Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Technology These Days 1.5

Just a quick update. Well, there hasn't been a Technology post this week. N claims he'll try to get one up by the weekends.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Has This Ever Happened to You?

 All of us have thousand wishes. To be thinner, to be bigger, have more money, have a cool car, to date the person of your dreams. A cancer patient only has one wish, to kick cancer's butt. I know that 97% of you won't copy and paste this into your signature, but my friends will be the 3% that do. In honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, copy and paste this into your signature.

I found this in my inbox a couple days ago. I bet you guys have seen something similar on some account you have.  The message presented here is really good. Honor cancer patients. Cool. Great. Awesome. Yay. However, what annoys me is the way it's presented. I'm sure whoever wrote it didn't mean to have what I'm about to say, and I may be considered a "troll" for writing this but it's my honest opinion. Well, here goes nothing.


1. All of us have a thousand wishes.- How do you know? This really isn't bad or anything, but it's just a little observation.

2. To be thinner, to be bigger, to have more money, have a cool car, to date the person of your dreams- These are probably really common wishes today. Nothing bad here, I guess. Nothing yet...

3. A cancer patient only has one wish, to kick cancer's butt.- Ugh. I really hate this sentence especially in this context. Why? Well, first of all, this implies that cancer patients are not one of us, since apparently all of us have a thousand wishes versus one. Besides, I'm pretty sure most cancer patients have more than one wish. Or else Make-a-Wish would be practically useless. Keep your "RF is such a 'troll'" comments in your head, please. 

4. I know that 97% of you won't copy and paste this into your signature, but my friends will be the 3% that do.- Okay. Again, how do you know? I'm aware this is taking things a little too literally since I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this just wants to say that we should spread the news about honoring cancer patients. However, I can see peer pressure and bragging in this. Peer pressure- "my friends will be the 3% that do" Bragging- same phrase

5. In honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, and copy and paste into your signature. - If you actually put everything in green as your signature, it does honor the cancer patient so I guess that's good. But it's sort of pointless. By putting all that in your signature is repeating all the annoying stuff the person who sent it to you probably didn't mean to include.

Friday, August 24, 2012


This blog is pretty new, as you probably know. I'd like to know what you think we could do to improve it. Just leave a comment below or, if you know me personally, just tell me. You can suggest anything from a new series to a different background image or a reorganization of the sidebar. Please be specific! If you can't think of anything, just comment on some aspect of the blog. As GM said, prove to me that you are not lazy, stupid, fat, or blind by responding. And by the way, if you are lazy, stupid, fat, or blind due to something you cannot control, I apologize. But for the rest of you guys, I'd appreciate some feedback. If actually bothered to read all that, you must have something to say about the blog, right? Yeah...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't Go to Mars!

GM and I are working on a project on Mars for school, and we came up with this.

Right now, there’s this huge buzz over a giant rock orbiting the Sun. That object is the planet Mars. People are getting all worked up over what could have been on Mars and what is on Mars and all that.
            First of all, Mars is being explored for life. Many people seem to think we should try to see if Mars has ever had any life. This is highly impractical. Come on, so what if we discover that there is or has been bacteria or something of that nature on Mars. So what? If there’s no life now, how would that benefit us? What would we gain if we found life anyway? A cure for our never ending curiosity? (Well, since it’s never ending, no.)
            Besides, the probes cost money, a lot of money. Taxpayers’ money is being wasted on probes that probably won’t find anything really helpful for the problems on Earth. Why isn’t the money being spent on the troubles that we have on Earth? Imagine how greatly poverty could be reduced if we used all that space exploration money on food and help for the less privileged! It seems like we are avoiding what’s not so good on our planet by trying to find good stuff on other planets.
            People also have considered moving everyone to Mars if Earth runs out of resources or maybe just to be deemed awesome for setting up colonies on another planet. If we go live on Mars, we’d either have to live underground or build giant plastic bubbles filled with plants. Would you like to live in a confined clear bubble much like a fish tank? Even if you ventured outside, after putting on some complicated spacesuit, the landscape would be pretty repetitive and mostly one color. Besides, if Earth ever runs out of resources and we can’t move to Mars, it would be a good lesson and a just consequence. Plus, on Mars, how would you get that much water and oxygen there? Earth wouldn’t be an option if we were moving to Mars due to lack of resources. Think about that.
            After reading all that, if you still think it’s a good idea to go to Mars, the please take into consideration all the money it takes and find exactly why that is a good idea. If your answer is that something very helpful for problems on Earth could be found there, explore the unexplored parts of Earth before taking off to another planet and using up precious money. Still want to go to Mars? Well, you should really work out the kinks before you do.
            But still, why not stay on Earth where there is life, plenty of bacteria, your home, and water that is not 0.52 astronomical units away?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Technology These Days- IOGraph

You see those pictures? Yeah?Moving on...

Those pictures were created on an application called IOGraph, formerly called MousePath, made by IOGraphica. IOGraph is a program that records your mouse movements and lets you make jaw dropping art while using your computer. The mouse movements are drawn onto a blank canvas, or your desktop if you choose. It's the perfect thing to do when you're bored or feeling very unproductive. To download, go to . Frequently asked questions can be found here-

If you try this, you can give a review in the comments if you'd like. We might publish your review of IOGraph as a future Technology These Days post. Besides, we'd like to see what you think of our technology recommendations.
Like it? Pass it along! Select one of those little icons (Email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and share! Or you can Recommend this on Google+. We'd appreciate any of these acts to help spread the word about our blog and everything else in it.
If you're wondering what this series is, click on that link below to view the series introduction.
Technology These Days Intro

Technology These Days Introduction

Well, I'm going to be starting another series. That's right, another one. Yeah, I know we already have the Number series and the Think About It series. Well, actually that's not a lot is it... Moving on!
This brand new series will have a new edition every week (hopefully). Each week, one of the Why Not? contributors will introduce some program, device, website, or something else technology related. Viewers are welcome to leave us some suggestions in their comments.
The first Technology These Days should come out later today.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Lots of things come in threes. Rock, paper, scissors. The three little pigs. Beginnning, middle, end. I could just keep on listing trios but then you  would probably quickly grow bored and never come back. Three is actually quite an interesting number. It resembles an ear. How wonderful! Okay, not that amazing... Well, three's seem important in the Christian religion with the Trinity and all. There's also three branches in the government, three rings in your binder, and three of Newton's Laws of Motion. Oops, there I go again listing things that come in threes. There's just so many! Carl Sandburg wrote a poem called Threes. You can go search it if you like.It's also been noted by historians that some very early people had a counting system that basically went one, two, many. Apparently three was considered pretty big back then. I guess it still is if you just think about all the things that come in threes.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where's Three!?!

Well, I'm not going to be writing Three. We're going to have a guest author. Round of aplause anyone? Yes? Hello? Anyway, I will be writing Four unless someone else wants to. Four will probably come before Three. I want to let you know that the Why Not? team is fully capable of counting correctly. If Four happens to appear before Three, do not panic and scream. The world probably won't end if Four is posted before Three. As Connor would say, that is all.

Never mind. The guest author seems to have trouble posting and has given up on us. I guess I will be writing it after all.

Monday, August 13, 2012

N introduction

I am in 7th grade in mrs. murphy's homeroom. i am in algebra 1 and i think there should not be so many people in there . there should only be about 15 people. when i am on the computer i hate using correct grammar, spelling,  puncuation, spacing or any of that other stuff. if people can understand it then it is fine. the reason for this is because i disagree with rf's grammer laws . i only agree with them in talking and sometimes in writng. i am a new adminastrator to this blog. i will be your tech support, also. please call 18001234567 for all tech and/ or math problems. i built a working computer which i am typing on right now.

Hi people. This is RF. N asked me not to edit his blog post , so I have to add on to correct him. I guess you could consider this editing if you want to, but that's your opinion. Well first of all, he's an author. I think I accidentally told him he's an administrator. Sorry. Also, note to N, you don't have to use a pseodonym if you have your real name listed in the contributors list... Of course if you like to, I can't stop you. N, you probably know you annoyed me out of my chair with this capitalization problem you have. Wait! Is that a capital I at the beginning? Gasp!

Normal > Italics
Oh, be quiet, N!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


    Well, two is special, too. Second chances and the measurement of time "seconds" and even seconds of food are all crucial to today's society. You might think, So two is the most important? Well, not exactly. The second guy to circumnavigate the world will never be as glorified as the first. The second in command isn't as respected as the first in commnand. Second place in any competition just doesn't feel quite as good as getting first. A classmate once said his coach told him "Second place loser is first place winner." On the other hand, sets of two can be really nice. An average human has two eyes, two legs, two arms, two nostrils, and various other pairs of body parts. Socks and shoes in pairs are much nicer than ones that come in sets of 99 or 3. With two people, there's always some company.
Three will be posted probably within three days. :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Trivia-Poll

The Trivia-Poll
  I have noticed that only Connor Hofeditz has answered the trivia question. That means there's only one person who has voted thus far. Come on, people! Why don't you answer the trivia question? Are you too lazy? Too stupid? Too fat? Or maybe you didn't see it? Why don't you prove to me that you are not lazy, stupid, fat, or blind by simply answering the trivia question? Thank you for your as-of-yet-nonexistent trivia answers.

Possible Future Blog Button

Hey, guys. In the near future, Why Not? could have a blog button. Here's a possible design.

Well, this is more accurate as of size.
Suggestions? Comments? Come on! Feedback please.

Monday, August 6, 2012


     Ah, the number one. Most of us strive to be "Number One" in pretty much everything we want to do. First's are incredibly inmportant in this world. First day of school. First communion. First words. First impressions. You get the idea. What else are one's good for? I suppose math uses them a lot. One is always either at the very beginning or the end of lists. It's hard to find them elsewhere. One represents unity or maybe isolation.

Two is coming later this week...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Think About It... -Stuff to think about with commentary

                                                               List #1
The word "like" is used excessively, and more often than not, it's being used to replace traditional words that you say when you have nothing to say (i.e. um, uh).
RF-I think I've gotten used to it, somehow. Probably because I hear it so much. I'm even starting to use it! Oh no!
GM- People can be very strange sometimes, even me.

 Girls' shorts are becoming shorter and shorter while boys' shorts are becoming longer and longer. Also, girls' clothing is becoming tighter while boys' clothing is becoming looser.
This annoys me a little.
 At this rate, girls' shorts will become underwear, and boys' shorts will become pants, causing shorts to become nonexistent. 
Good point!

It's considered "cool" or "tough" or "some other term that I don't fully understand" for your pants to be falling down if you're a boy. I think the word for this is "sag".
Why? Why? Why? WHY?
I wonder how this got started.

Many words that look like compound words do not mean what they seem to mean. Examples- Insanity is made up of the words "in" and "sanity". Restrooms are not ideal for resting. Bathrooms do not always have baths. The word "extraordinary" is made of the words "extra" and "ordinary". The word "supernatural" is made up of the words "super" and "natural".
I've mentioned this to others, but they always manage to come up with some explanation and/or roll their eyes. I know that the "in" in "insanity" means "not", but I'm a big fan of quotes and I have one that is a great explanation for "insanity." "For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity." -Jean Dubuffet
The words "insanity", "supernatural", and "extraordinary" make sense when you consider that in Latin, "super" means over and "extra"  means beyond. However, people have changed the meaning of those words, so "supernatural" and "extraordinary" do not make much sense anymore. 

 In cartoons with animals as the main characters, some of them can talk and act human when other animals act like animals. For example, Goofy can talk and walks around on two legs but Pluto acts like a dog. By the way, does anyone else find it weird that Mickey Mouse has a pet dog?
I wonder why I didn't notice this when I was younger...
I wonder why the dog is named Pluto... He doesn't seem to be wealthy...

Needles are sterilized before giving lethal injections.
Well, it seems pointless to me, but there could be a good reason.
Maybe to retain a sense of normalcy.

Some commercials tell you "free gift with purchase". However, since you've paid for it, it really isn't free.
They are using the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda. 

Lifetime warranties are really just saying,"This product could stop working at any time."
But products can stop working at any time.
That's life, I guess.

Many people ask, "Can I ask you a question?", which is already asking a question.
My sister does this at least once a day. I hear it from others quite often, too.
You could just say" I'm going to ask a question!" because that's what you're going to do.