Friday, October 4, 2013

Link Day: Pre-Fall Break 2013

Hello, hello, hello, nearly nonexistent readers! Welcome to this year's Pre-Fall Break Link Day, brought to you by me, RF, as usual. A little less than a year ago, during Fall Break of 2012, I started this series, and look how it has grown from just one unpopular post to now eight unpopular posts!
Achievement unlocked!
Anyway, let's get right to the links that will hopefully entertain you just a bit.

1. Welcome to Night Vale - Listen to Cecil report the local news for Night Vale: "A small desert town where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful and mysterious lights pass over us while we all pretend to sleep." Probably the most strange and fascinating podcast on the planet. (Also on iTunes, Soundcloud, and maybe some other places.)

2. Most Common Words in English- May or may not be completely accurate, but did you know that the word dumb is number 4725, stupid is 2730, and smart is 1874?

3. Fake Science- As much as I love real science (which is really quite a bit), these fake science tidbits can be immensely amusing.

4. Slogan Generator- This is also amusing, and hey, maybe once in a while a good one will even pop up. I tried this a couple times with the word "mushrooms." Results: 3-in-1 Protection For Your Mushrooms, I Can't Believe It's Not Mushrooms, Makes you Feel Mushrooms Again, Why Have Cotton When You Can Have Mushrooms?

5. Toddler Art or Modern Art? Quiz -Honestly though, who knows?