Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stupidity and Its "Cure" Awareness

You may know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, possibly because of all the people wearing pink shirts. While breast cancer is a problem, there are many much bigger problems in the world today too. I personally think stupidity/lack of logic is most likely the biggest issue. Yesterday, when I saw about a dozen people in pink Breast Cancer Awareness Month shirts, I wondered, Why isn't there a Stupidity Awareness Month? There isn't even a Stupidity Awareness Week or Day! Look, even an hour would be a good start, but even that doesn't exist! 

But now I realize this cause doesn't need a month of people wearing pink shirts encouraging people to find the cure to breast cancer and advertising the message that hope is the best thing since the wheel.

Stupidity is much easier to "cure" than cancer. It just requires people not suffering stupidity or only suffering mild stupidity to kindly correct those suffering more severe stupidity whenever they make a basic mistake and/or say something completely illogical. By helping one another, the general level of stupidity will drop.

It's such a large problem that a month is simply not enough for stupidity awareness, and honestly, I think we are all acquainted with someone who is rather stupid, or at least acts like they are. So really, I guess it's not that we're not aware of stupidity. We actually just don't bother to implement the solution.


  1. The problem is not stupidity, but rather lack of common sense. Most people are average to gifted in terms of intelligence, but lacking in common sense. Stupidity causes minor problems, like failing math tests, but lack of common sense has caused virtually all environmental, economic, and government problems. The people who control governments and work for enviromental protection are smart, but lack common sense. C is one example of lack of common sense. He actually thought that putting your legs in the armholes of a sweatshirt and hopping around would be safe. Stupidity is not being good at academic subjects, but the lack of common sense means that a person fails in real life by having bad judgmental skills.

    1. Well, according to, stupid two definitions are "foolish" and "lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind." I feel like that covers the lack of common sense, but maybe not.. Also, I think other factors such as greed , selfishness, and jealousy are actually what cause bad decisions, not just lack of common sense.
