Saturday, January 4, 2014

Translate? --Technology These Days

Google+ has a feature that is supposed to recognize things that are not in your language and provide the option of translating them. In theory, it's a good idea, but I don't think the language recognition is superb.
For example, I was on the Google+ page of Connor (author of There's Always a Catch) when I saw this:

In my opinion, that's obviously in English. I decided to see what Google+ thought the post meant, so I clicked on "Translate." Lo and behold...

I'm wondering why the program might have thought Connor's English to be something in another language. Occasionally, I come across a horribly misspelled comment or a post with the "Translate" option, but that is somewhat understandable. Here, however, there are no misspellings or symbols not used in the English language. What other language could "Tickle Me Elmo deserved to die" possibly be anyway?

Oh, for context, here's the GIF that was in Connor's post:

(Since we haven't had a Technology These Days post all year, I decided to write one. I mean, it's not like N is going to show up and start writing them again... Yeah, the format is a little different, but let's just call it a Technology These Days post anyway.)

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