Saturday, October 20, 2012

In Denial...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am in denial.  RF and GM are both horrible horrible HORRIBLE organizers No offense, girls. I couldn't help but notice that all of the interesting things are at the bottom. (Once again I say "No offense, girls.") By interesting things, I mean the games. And I just have to criticize and groan about this because WHO LOOKS AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE FREAKING BLOG! If you want people to be entertained with this blog... you need to relocate those games... and update the status... and get more writers.  I am very very VERY frustrated with RF and GM. (You too, NV!) WHY ARE THE GAMES SO FREAKING EASY?!?!?!??!?!?!... Here are my scores:

Feeding the Fish- N/A
Simon Freaking Says- 32
Pacman- lolol I am not good at that so N/A
Tetris...- one hundred eighteen thousand one hundred thirty two (118,132)

Comment under if anyone beats any scores.

This is GM. If you think the games are too easy, then tell N. He is supposed to be tech support.
n- most games are not compatible
anyway just go to
tell me what wave you have gotten to