Sunday, December 9, 2012

Because I Want To!

A post in which I disagree with some random stuff ... because I want to!

Or sleeping... Or dead... Most likely dead because, fun fact, to my knowledge, girls make breathing noises as they sleep.


Aghh! I fracking hate this! Aghhh!

Ohhh, I get it! School = teen suicide!
At least that's the logical thought... I think they mean the empty desk is where the teen who is "no longer with us" sat.

 I really don't like this. I really don't. I dislike so much about it. Not just because it contains a cuss word, but really too much to write in one post and still be considered short. Maybe another post explaining my hate for this.

Contradicted by science. Unless I'm misunderstanding what "love" and "we" are referring to.Seriously though. Google it, Bing it, Yahoo it, whatever.  Maybe a later post explaining as well?

Just bad grammar. That's all... But still.

Should I do more of these, people who actually scrolled down this far?

 Disclaimer- I do not own any of the images shown in this post. Some are from "Teenager Posts :D" and others are from Tumblr blogs.

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