Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Before you ask, no, that is not us!

After performing at our school's annual dinner thing, we noticed there are a few general categories each member of the audience falls into.

RF-1. The I-Must-Take-Ten-Million-Pictures-By-The-Time-I-Leave Parent
RF-2. The I-Am-Here-Only-Because-My-Brother/Sister-Is-Performing-Now-Let-Me-Read-In-Peace sibling
N-  3. The omg-these-people-suck-i-am-texting-and-not-paying-attention person
RF-4. The Everyone-Knows-I'm-Way-Better-Than-Those-Morons-So-I'll-Just-Talk-To-My-Friends student
RF-5. The I-Must-Cry-Now-Sorry-Guys little kid
RF-6. The I-Know-Nothing-About-Music-And-I-Am-Stupid-How-Did-I-Get-Here-Anyway-Huh Kid
N-  7. This-is-so-boring-when-will-the-band-people-come person
N-  8. Whispering-"NOOB-That-guy-used-an-incorrect-bowing" junior critic
RF-9. Those parents with the dull passive expressions that seldom change...
GM-10. I-Will-Leave-After-My-Kids-Perform-And-Not-Listen-To-The-Top-Groups-Because-I-Hate-Music-That-Sounds-Good parent
Sarah-11. This-show-is-boring-so-I'm-going-to-go-to-the-bathroom-to-get-rid-of-my-boredom person
*Have you spotted any other categories of people in audiences you've seen?*
Comment if you think we should add pictures accompanying each category listed.


  1. Replies
    1. Nooo! Let me go change that... Thanks for letting me know!

    2. Embarrassingly there were actually two typoes...

  2. I think you should add the I-Will-Leave-After-My-Kids-Perform-And-Not-Listen-To-The-Top-Groups-Because-I-Hate-Music-That-Sounds-Good parent. You might not have seen those, but there are a whole lot in band concerts.

  3. Yes Grace, I agree.
    Number 5 and and number 9 are really funny! ESPECIALLY NUMBER 5!

  4. Don't forget the "This-show-is-boring-so-I'm-going-to-go-to-the-bathroom-to-get-rid-of-my-boredom person."
