Friday, August 3, 2012

Think About It... -Stuff to think about with commentary

                                                               List #1
The word "like" is used excessively, and more often than not, it's being used to replace traditional words that you say when you have nothing to say (i.e. um, uh).
RF-I think I've gotten used to it, somehow. Probably because I hear it so much. I'm even starting to use it! Oh no!
GM- People can be very strange sometimes, even me.

 Girls' shorts are becoming shorter and shorter while boys' shorts are becoming longer and longer. Also, girls' clothing is becoming tighter while boys' clothing is becoming looser.
This annoys me a little.
 At this rate, girls' shorts will become underwear, and boys' shorts will become pants, causing shorts to become nonexistent. 
Good point!

It's considered "cool" or "tough" or "some other term that I don't fully understand" for your pants to be falling down if you're a boy. I think the word for this is "sag".
Why? Why? Why? WHY?
I wonder how this got started.

Many words that look like compound words do not mean what they seem to mean. Examples- Insanity is made up of the words "in" and "sanity". Restrooms are not ideal for resting. Bathrooms do not always have baths. The word "extraordinary" is made of the words "extra" and "ordinary". The word "supernatural" is made up of the words "super" and "natural".
I've mentioned this to others, but they always manage to come up with some explanation and/or roll their eyes. I know that the "in" in "insanity" means "not", but I'm a big fan of quotes and I have one that is a great explanation for "insanity." "For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity." -Jean Dubuffet
The words "insanity", "supernatural", and "extraordinary" make sense when you consider that in Latin, "super" means over and "extra"  means beyond. However, people have changed the meaning of those words, so "supernatural" and "extraordinary" do not make much sense anymore. 

 In cartoons with animals as the main characters, some of them can talk and act human when other animals act like animals. For example, Goofy can talk and walks around on two legs but Pluto acts like a dog. By the way, does anyone else find it weird that Mickey Mouse has a pet dog?
I wonder why I didn't notice this when I was younger...
I wonder why the dog is named Pluto... He doesn't seem to be wealthy...

Needles are sterilized before giving lethal injections.
Well, it seems pointless to me, but there could be a good reason.
Maybe to retain a sense of normalcy.

Some commercials tell you "free gift with purchase". However, since you've paid for it, it really isn't free.
They are using the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda. 

Lifetime warranties are really just saying,"This product could stop working at any time."
But products can stop working at any time.
That's life, I guess.

Many people ask, "Can I ask you a question?", which is already asking a question.
My sister does this at least once a day. I hear it from others quite often, too.
You could just say" I'm going to ask a question!" because that's what you're going to do.


  1. Like like like i mean like yeah like like......:)

  2. well like like the underpants thing is like really funny but like weird and like not true :D :P
    copied you lily!!
    o and i was suscribed 2 rachel's blog i just 4got
