Monday, August 6, 2012


     Ah, the number one. Most of us strive to be "Number One" in pretty much everything we want to do. First's are incredibly inmportant in this world. First day of school. First communion. First words. First impressions. You get the idea. What else are one's good for? I suppose math uses them a lot. One is always either at the very beginning or the end of lists. It's hard to find them elsewhere. One represents unity or maybe isolation.

Two is coming later this week...


  1. It's 2 much 2 hope for in the next post, featuring the number 2! 2 bad it's going 2 take 2 long for me 2 wait 4! Hahaha!

  2. This blog sounds ALOT like you! I mean like like like sounds like me!

  3. To Lily Li: I don't understand the meaning of your comment.
