Monday, November 25, 2013

Three Things I Like that were said by Other People First

C'est la vie.
Meaning: Such is life. (Google Translate claims it means "That is life," and N claims it means "It is life," but I'm sticking with the meaning I know. Sorry, N.)
Why I Like It: As long as I'm alive, this phrase will be applicable. Plus, foreign language phrases generally sound "sophisticated," or at least interesting.

Meaning: No! It's really more like a general negative response.
Why I Like It: It sounds comical, in a good way. If you've ever heard my science teacher saying this, you'd know exactly what I mean.Pronounced with a strong accent on the second syllable, this short exclamation is just great. I don't use it that much because honestly, it sounds better coming from my teacher than me.

“A library is like an island in the middle of a vast sea of ignorance, particularly if the library is very tall and the surrounding area has been flooded.”
Meaning: Oh, come on, just read that. It's very straightforward. No, this is not what that quote means. I'm just telling you to read that quote in order to obtain its meaning.
Why I Like It: Well, first of all, I like libraries. Second of all, I like taking this literally. This quote  involves both of them. What's there not to like? Thank you for that, Lemony Snicket.


  1. But then, wouldn't a library be a bibliographical atoll?

    1. You mean when it's flooded?
      I guess the building's walls would kind of be like an atoll, but particularly with the tall library example, I feel like island is a better term.
      Maybe you can explain better...
