Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gary Who? Stein? Another Party? Say What?


America has a two party dominance. Republican and Democrat. The Independent parties hardly stand a chance! Leading up to this Election Day, pretty much everyone asked me, "Who would you vote for president?" I always answered Gary Johnson, an answer to which all but one person responded with either a "Who's that?" look followed by an unineterested shrug or by yelling "Nooooo! I meant Obama or Romney! Is it even, like, legal, to vote for Gary Johnson anyway?"*
Considering the chart below, it's a pretty impressive feat that Johnson even got 1% this time around!

Anyhow, this isn't exactly a fair game. Obama and Romney, as you might know, spent a total of $6 billion on campaigning! Third parties don't get equal campaign funding and therefore less publicity. Others may side with third parties but don't want to "waste" their votes.

I'm just saying that I feel third parties totally deserve a chance. After all, America is supposed to be "with liberty and justice for all." It was not founded to have a strict two party system. People from other parties used to be elected more often, but our last third party president was Fillmore, of the Whig Party, in 1850! (I think... Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Just my thoughts... Sort of a follow up to N's "3rd parties" post.

*Most were strong Obama supporters.

1 comment:

  1. Why do you like Gary Johnson so much??!
    And it isn't legal to vote for him right?
