Saturday, November 10, 2012


One day rf and i were getting our instruments from the orchestra room and were walking out
we talking about math and some random girl comes up to us and says, "Is that a trampoline?" , pointing to RF's cello
RF then replied,"No!"
then we discussed the differences between a cello and a trampoline
and there are a lot of them

the reason i am posting this is because RF said that she thinks this would be disrespectful to the stupid girl

in my opinion RF is too nice


  1. If the "stupid girl" ever finds this blog (which is a hypothetical and an event that will most likely never happen), I probably won't care by then. Sigh.

  2. O_o, that is just perverted! WHO COULD CONFUSE A TRAMPOLINE 4 A CELLO???!!!???!!!???!?!?!?!?!?! DA FAWQ!!!!

    1. How is it that Lily's spelling and capitalization skills have dropped noticeably?

  3. Replies
    1. haha I know right. (I was going to say ikr but then realized that is improper spelling and it will hurt my chances of being an author for this blog.) I use text language everywhere but here.
