Saturday, March 9, 2013

GenderAnalyzer (somewhat Tech post)

Yesterday, social studies class was supposedly "use-your-phone-that-you-shouldn't-have-in-school-not-that-anyone-actually-cares-for-educational-purposes-and-no-Minecraft-is-not-educational" hour. Anyway, GM and I used a school laptop to blog. First we impersonated N. Then we visited I Can Write Funny, the blog. Suddenly, I remembered a text analyzer website I'd come across. I said something like, "GM, have I ever showed you that blog text analyzer that tries to figure out the author's gender?"
Anyway, we ended up analyzing this blog (results- 62% sure it's written by a woman) and then analyzed I Can Write Funny (original results- female, but quite gender neutral, results from this morning- 52% male)

Later at home, I tested other random blogs. Strange results though....
For example...
Ms. Murphy's World Explorers Blog- written by a man (78%)
Kyrrith's Fangirling by a Fangirl blog- written by a man (61%)
Theo's seemingly abandoned blog which has roughly 130 words  - "Sorry, we could not extract enough text from We could only find 1 words. We need more than 300 words to analyze a web page. More text gives better result!"

 Here's the link to the website. Let me know of any other weird results.