Thursday, March 14, 2013

Link Day- Spring Break 2013

Wow, look at the sudden flood of posts that have come since GM threatened "adminstratorship" status.
In case you are bored or simply want an excuse to use the Internet, I have provided you with a list of links.

Perfect Eyesight-Basically, you have to guess where the missing point of each diagram. For example, you are asked to find the center of a circle and the missing point on a spiral.

Google Gulp- Pretty pointless, yet a very interesting page to read. I particularly enjoy the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Kaleidoscope - GM recently made a kaleidoscope type thing with an old pencil lead holder, so I thought I'd share this link. It's an online kaleidoscope creator, as you might have concluded from the name.

Death by Caffeine- Who doesn't want to know how much caffeine it would take before death?

M.A.S.H.- A classmate of mine was playing this, on paper that is, during lunch. This game tries to "predict your future." Here's a link if you want to try it out. I have to tell you, from what I've seen, the results are very unlikely.

Cleverbot - Often frustrating, weird, and not all that clever artificial intelligence with whom you can have a often frustrating, weird, and not all that clever conversation!

How Fast Can You Type the Alphabet? - Type the alphabet and try to beat your own time(or your friend's time). My high score is currently exactly 7 seconds, but I'm getting faster. Hopefully.

Dear Photograph - "Take a picture of a picture, from the past, in the present." Really interesting idea. People take old photographs and hold them up to the setting as it is now.

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