Monday, April 29, 2013

"Forever 21"

A couple classmates of mine were discussing things they would buy at Forever 21 (a store, that is), and I began to consider two things.

First of all, is it possible to be forever 21 years old, thus stopping time? Time itself is incredibly weird, but assuming "time" exists, I think that you can't stop it.

Second of all, if it were somehow possible, what would be the pros and cons. Of course to be "forever 21," time would need to be stopped. If it were stopped, then nothing would happen. I think being forever 21 years old guarantees that you look like you're 21 years old, and somehow all your legal documents have you as age 21. Would you age mentally though? Hmmm... For sake of simplicity, let's go with no. Anyway, assuming you somehow don't age while still moving through time, here is my list of good and bad things about being "21" forever.

  • In America, this is the drinking age barrier. I don't know if it's necessarily a good thing, but I didn't think it's completely an evil thing either.
  • 21 is the age at which you are considered an adult in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Chad, Egypt, Honduras, Kuwait, Lesotho, Madagascar, Namibia, Singapore, Swaziland, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, Mississippi, and Puerto Rico. I suppose you can just be happy or depressed about this "milestone" if you live in any of these places.
  • You can find so much stuff that has 21 on it! Forever 21 tags, 21 Jump Street, anything that is 21st century, and.... that's all.
  • I guess the 20's are when you aren't really a kid, but you people don't expect you to be completely adult. Hey, maybe people will still say"Y'all just kids" to a bunch of silly 21 year olds... So yeah, maybe it's good to be stuck in limbo?
  • If you look good at age 21, you'll look good forever!
  •  Some people will never take you seriously. You know, "Old people know best!!!!!!"
  • You will never be old enough to be the President!
  • You will never be old enough to be Senator!
  • You will never be old enough to be a Representative!
  •  You will never get social security!
  • You will never get to retire!
  • You will forever think like a 21 year old! Aghhh! (Honestly, I don't know if this is all that bad, but to make this list longer and because I think it's bad to never age mentally, I have included this...)
  • You will be a contradiction to pretty much everything biology teaches.
  •  People will get suspicious after you have a 21st birthday party year after year after year. Then they will report you to science officials who will try to study you. Oh wait, this is supposed to be unrealistic....

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