Thursday, April 4, 2013

See, I Was Probably Right.

Some days ago, I posted about Zorpia and my suspicions about it.
I was probably right.
How do I know?
Well, today I re-invited N and I saw why I had not been able to email Lily.
Her email address had changed.
So had Wu's.
These were two people who I know definitely joined Zorpia.
So, what's so disturbing about that?
Well, their addresses had been changed to a long string of incongruous letters and numbers and they were no longer using Gmail.
I don't think any of them would change their email into an incongruous mess on purpose. Zorpia's probably hacked their accounts, which means I was right.

Don't join Zorpia if you don't want your email to be hacked.


  1. That's not your email...
    Well at least according to my contacts list.

  2. What you say is incorrect GM. Zorpia has absolutely no power over your actual email, but what it can do is access the list of contacts within that single person's email in an attempt to send more emails out.

    Usually I would scream something out like "SCHOOLED," but I'm mature so I won't.

    1. First of all, I'd like to say that I am surprised that you still read the blog. Second of all, I count that as hacking.
      Also that doesn't explain how those people's email addresses changed, and how I got on JoshY's contacts list. Unless of course he actually sent that email himself.
