Thursday, April 4, 2013


Nowadays, I often hear people describing themselves as hipsters in a positive way.
I strongly dislike the word hipster and strongly discourage its use.
Why? Because it is a symbol of the collapse of the society based on Fact and Truth and Knowledge and most importantly, Common Sense. This world teetering on the edge of annihilation is rapidly being replaced with one of unwiseness, unwise decisions, blind followers, and the acceptance of total crap as things of importance and godliness.

It's against common sense to just make up a word that means the same thing as words that already exist.
Besides, the word hipster can only describe a relatively small amount of the people in the world.
Few people actually like things before they are popular. 100% of the people who call themselves hipsters are not actually hipsters. And even if I am wrong and several of the so-called hipsters are actually people who liked popular things before they were popular, then they can be accurately described as people with no life who try to come up with as many achievements as possible to make themselves look as if their lives were
"awesome" compared to other's. People like this are also signs of society's collapse.

If you are a real hipster, then your achievement  should make you proud enough for you to use the words of the collapsing society who I still cling to.


  1. Interesting. I'll try to work on a related post. I just remembered something that is somewhat similar to the use of the word "hipster."
    Also, what is the Not Novel label?

  2. To Lily: Huh?
    To RF: That's a label for people to distinguish between an actual post and a excerpt of the novel.

    1. Ohhhh. Should I go through all the posts so far and label them "Not Novel"?
