Friday, April 12, 2013

More Weird Fads and Trends

You guys might remember reading my first post about weird fads and trends. Since I have nothing better to do except to play piano, clean my room, eat pistachios, and such, I have decided to show you even more weird fads and trends!

Music from Around the World- First there was Gangnam Style, now the Harlem Shake. (Well, yeah, I admit it's kind of fading now.) K-pop is becoming increasingly popular, and of course, music from a certain British boy band. However, the reasons behind these puzzle me. I guess this one is more surprising than weird. A theory I have is that the world is becoming more globalized. I think that would be pretty wonderful, assuming that is indeed the case...

  Mustaches- Strangely enough, people suddenly like this type of facial hair. Strangely, this facial hair seems most popular when not on a face. I have seen countless amounts of duct tape printed with mustache shapes and also several phone and iPod cases. I think mustaches might be symbolic of people wanting to be better/different people without doing any work. I mean, aren't mustaches representative of well groomed, dandy gentlemen in vintage suits or something? Doesn't a mustache change the way people consider you? Aren't mustaches relatively easy to grow (for men....)? I think I am over thinking and using too many periods....

Monsters and Mythical Creatures- Let's see, the "Zombie Apocalypse," My Little Pony, vampires in general, the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books, Monster High.... You get the idea, don't you? I think monsters have always been quite popular among humans, but there are some that have risen to popularity recently. Like vampires and the Zombie Apocalypse.I think this trend (I say trend and not fad because monsters and mythical creatures cannot be purchased at extremely high prices and toted around to my knowledge.) is caused by people's uncertainty about death... Maybe.

Wait, how come everything starts with an "m"? Hmmm. I must go search for a trend or fad that doesn't start with "m"!


  1. i love mustaches! by british boy band, do you mean one direction?

    1. Why do you love mustaches?
      And yes, I mean One Direction.
