Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Link Day- Summer Break 2013 (Part 1)

Summer break is upon us! Now what to do... Oh, yeah, sit in front of your computer all day! But what happens when you've visited all your favorite blogs, read too many stories, and watched enough pirated movies? Never fear, here I have a list of links to hopefully last you at least one minute!

A favorite of "Ming Lay." It has gifs and captions of stuff from infomercials. Honestly, I like it.

This blog features kids with unique names. Like Pabst, for instance. Oh, and also Oskar, Juno, Zero, and Vegas. Nice little casual reading.

Maybe you've heard of this before. It's a soundtrack of rain that's quite refreshing in the middle of summer. (I realize it's technically not summer yet, since the summer equinox isn't until June 21st.)

Little music machine to play around with. Effortless electronica!

How much would you weigh on other planets?

More coming sometime soon, hopefully!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Lack of Posts

No one has posted in a while. The reason is probably because we're too busy enjoying summer break's lack of stuff to do. Hopefully, I will start posting regularly this week.
Here is a gif featuring a shoe.

Good bye.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lies to Bother N

While N is in India, I have been unable to bother him. Likewise, he has been unable to bother me. Since he can't physically hurt me or yell at me right now, I will post some lies that would most likely make him miserable if they were true.

Hi, N!
Here's an update on stuff that's been happening.
  • All the certificates and trophies you were not here to receive were given to our "dear friend" Ming Lay.
  • The Algebra teacher discovered he accidentally gave you another person's grades. Your actual average is 85.
  • Your photo was put upside down into the sixth grade section of the yearbook.
  • You are being fined because your language textbook has one pencil marking on page 176.
  • "Smurphy" found your missing pencil pouch in one of her McDonald's to-go bags, but she decided to throw it away.
(Again, please note all of the above are lies. Or are they? Hmm... Yeah, they are.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Modern Art Contest 1 Winners

Yeah. You both win. I'm just too nice. Congratulations!

Hooray Lily and Connor!

I'm going to post this screenshot in the Hall of Fame.

(If you winners want me to promote your obscure Twitter account or your website dedicated to curly noodles or some other personal thing with a URL, please leave a comment with the link. I take a look and consider putting your link in the caption of the screenshot in the Hall of Fame. Then it will look like...

Hooray for Winner one @ twitter.com/obsucretwitteraccount and Winner two @ curlynoodlesforever.com !
Okay, thanks, bye!)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Anyone who has been in the Latin classroom at our school will agree with this wholeheartedly!

Let us revolt against the tyrannical Board of Education (the Mark in this case) that refuses to give us somewhat comfortable chairs and still expect us to pay attention in class while falling out of the chairs!

(And GM, look, a giraffe in the background!)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Modern Art Contest Notice

So far only Lily and Connor have entered my contest. If more people do not enter, I will only have two choices, and the person who does not win will feel sad because there is no one to lose with. I am looking for a third contestant! Actually, the more the better. If you would like to participate, click this link.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Short Post #7- When

When the first note of a song is played and everyone but you knows what song it is.
Or maybe that only happens to me...

India weather

It is so hot here
There is like 110 degree weather and a water shortage 

Monday, May 13, 2013

You Have Gone Too Far, Google

Today, I went on the blog and guess what I saw.

A straightforward, unbiased 


I am in India now so I must talk about the driving
And if u were wondering I did not die on the plane
The speed limit was 60 kph but we wre going at 130 kph

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Short Post #6 or 7

Now that Nilai has left, I have a great idea. Everyone who plays Pokemon Black, White, or their sequels should catch a Foongus and name it Nilai in his memory.

Chinese Punctuation

For some reason...

Friday, May 10, 2013

YouTube Short Post

I just saw a YouTube comment that says ":'D :,D DEER GOD, ITS BEAUTIFUL!" with 63 likes.
Seriously? Deer God?
I apologize if the person actually meant a deer deity...

An Unrealistic Story

Another find from Google+ Explore tab....

Yes, I agree, the inexplicable multiple periods, incorrect use of "nor," weird comma placement, verb tense inconsistency, and slightly confusing wording are pretty sad. Wait, that's not what you meant? You meant that the girl dying of cancer is very sad? Hmmm. I admit that death generally provokes a sad feeling, but I would feel a lot sadder if the story was realistic, and the girl did not base her love on whether or not her boyfriend could pass a "challenge".

Thursday, May 9, 2013

More Modern Art

What do you think?

Modern Art Contest! Part 1

GM, Connor, and I all enjoy making fun of extremely simplistic "modern art" from time to time. You know, those paintings of dots or sculptures of squiggly lines that somehow cost more than a car. (I'm not saying I hate it, but it only makes the tiniest bit of sense to me.) Anyway, we like to name random pieces of stuff and gush over them in a sarcastic manner. Now it's your turn!

Here's a piece of "modern art" I created on MS Paint:

In the comments, please give it a name and, if you wish, gush over it in a sarcastic manner.
I will choose my favorite comment from below, frame it, and put it on the page "Comments Hall of Fame," which I will create someday.

Deadline: Ummm, I'll have to think about that. I don't know...
Part 2 may or may not be up by next week.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Regained Badge of Honor

After a terrible band concert, and before I realized that I could not make a costume with the nonexistent materials I had, an amazing thing happened.
I was coloring a map for the travel guide thing, and the tip of the colored pencil gt too dull. So, I went to get a pencil sharpener. This time however, all the pencil sharpeners had disappeared. The first place I started combing through for a pencil sharpener was of course the two basket things that I always think my lost things are.
Instead of being met with disappointment like always, I saw something that looked like a smashed ink pen cartridge. These things can cause a lot of ink messes, so I picked it up to throw it away. 
Upon closer examination, the cartridge revealed its true form: that of my long-lost stylus.

I had been looking for that thing for almost half a year!
When I found my stylus, I finally felt that it was time to proudly display again my invisible badge that said "I Still Use My Original Stylus That Came With My First Nintendo DS Because I Have Not Permanently Lost It Yet". 
Only the most responsible people in the society around me can wear this badge, since it's so easy to lose your stylus and never, ever find it again.

It does not make sense to...

It's that time of year! Time to choose next year's classes!
Anyway, since I plan on taking a foreign language class, I went to the office to get a form. On the first page is a little paragraph about the type of people who should enroll, a list of expectations for students, and a list of expectations for parents.

As I read over it, I noticed a wildly incongruous statement. In the sea of formal and proper language was this...

"It is expected that students will observe the no-gum policy in class. It does not make sense to try to learn a new language while chewing gum."

Okay, okay, it wasn't actually underlined, but it's still pretty conspicuous, right? Right? Right?


Monday, May 6, 2013

Re-post of GM's Summer Project

After barbarians intervened and destroyed my post, I finished typing but not drawing a page of my book report. But then I found a suitable piece of white cloth for my costume, so I figured I might as well re-post.

Here's a picture from my summer project, which is going to be just drawing pictures and writing details about the possible Why Not? game which unfortunately will probably not be playable for a minimum of 5 years due to a lack of computer programming skills.

Here's a crude picture of what we want a part of the game to look like.

Please note that this is not all Connor and I have, in case you were going to complain about how little we have done. Also note that the buildings already have names and purposes that we are not going to reveal yet.

More Barbarians of a Different Kind

I just noticed that one of my posts, with the picture of a rectangle and some other stuff around and on it, has been deleted. Completely.
This was done by a barbarian who decides its okay to just annihilate some one else's stuff, which they worked on for 2 minutes. Two complete minutes and maybe even a bit more.
Plus, even if this barbarian had a perfectly good reason to delete this post completely, without even letting it become a draft instead, they had absolutely no right to do this act. No one besides me has any say in the matter, since the idea of this summer project is mine. Not anyone else's.

  Though Connor came up with around 100 kilobytes of ideas, if he did strongly recommend the removal of the post, he should have told me. And even if he did, he would still have no right to limit what I say. But I do not think it is Connor. Connor would not display this barbarianism without telling me, so I think it was N or RF who came up with this fanciful notion that such violation of rights would be fine.

On a more positive note, I just gave you two more clues to the translation of the sentence, and the picture will be re-posted once I type and draw another page of my book report.

Disappointing Encourgement

I saw this on Google+ and wanted to cry a little...


Because it's so terrible!

I know, I know. This is supposed to be boosting our egos by pointing at us and telling us we are wonderful, the prettiest, and female. Unfortunately, this just annoys me. Why?

  • Well, first of all, not everyone who reads the text in the picture is wonderful.
  • Secondly, not everyone who reads the text in the picture is the prettiest.
  • Also, not everyone who reads the text in the picture is female.
  • Lastly, in modern America, most people consider it rude to point, especially with a hand that seems to not be attached to an arm or anything at all.
  • (And other little things that I don't have time to write about... )

I think we all need to understand that not everyone is wonderful. I mean, sure, maybe all people are beautiful on the inside and have this natural born spark of awesomeness that glitters with rainbows and adorable, fluffy baby penguins or something, but I don't know if it's right to call everyone wonderful. It is possible that a drug addict or a bully or some kid who is skipping school is reading this. Are they wonderful? In my opinion, probably no, not at the moment... But do they suck? Are they hopeless cases? Are they complete idiots who don't matter? No! Just because you are not wonderful doesn't mean you are the worst living thing in existence. If you are not wonderful, it just means you have room to improve and suck less and generally be better.

Also, as a sidenote, it seems that most encouragement is directed at females. Just think about it. Have you ever seen an encouragement directed obviously at males? I wonder why... Is it a stereotype or is it true that girls are emotionally more insecure that boys? Oh, feminism, how annoying and intriguing art thou!

Anyway, prettiest implies the "most pretty." As far as I know, "prettiness" or "beauty" is usually an opinion. I'm sure you've heard people squabble over whether the shirtless celebrity in that random gossip magazine over there is "beautiful." How can someone you've never likely never met deem you pretty? Deem you the prettiest? Not everyone is pretty. I have seen people who's physical appearances were not appealing to me, and chances are that you have too.

The last point is self explanatory.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Bleh Language

Translate the following sentence from Bleh language into English and something good might happen.

"Bleh blehbleh bleh bleh!"

*some spellings of the words in the sentence are disputed


I feel sorry for the person named NONE. NONE is not only invisible, but is almost always absent or tardy. NONE is also supposed to spend the entire day in Mr. B Jones's class, too.