Thursday, May 9, 2013

Modern Art Contest! Part 1

GM, Connor, and I all enjoy making fun of extremely simplistic "modern art" from time to time. You know, those paintings of dots or sculptures of squiggly lines that somehow cost more than a car. (I'm not saying I hate it, but it only makes the tiniest bit of sense to me.) Anyway, we like to name random pieces of stuff and gush over them in a sarcastic manner. Now it's your turn!

Here's a piece of "modern art" I created on MS Paint:

In the comments, please give it a name and, if you wish, gush over it in a sarcastic manner.
I will choose my favorite comment from below, frame it, and put it on the page "Comments Hall of Fame," which I will create someday.

Deadline: Ummm, I'll have to think about that. I don't know...
Part 2 may or may not be up by next week.