Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog Stuff Again

I tried to restore peace to the blog by making the whole template look somewhat like before, but someone undid my 5-15 minutes of work... Then I thought about the blog description. It's a little, well, non-descriptive to me. As a lover of quotes I feel it would be great to find a suitable quote to add to the beginning of the blog description, an epigraph almost.
If anyone can suggest some quotes that somewhat capture the essence of the blog, I would much appreciate it! Who knows? I might even use it. (assuming N and GM don't object)

P.S. I have this feeling that no one will reply ,something that happened with several other contest type things....

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why You DON"T Want to be a Blog Author

Many readers have asked GM, N, and I, "Can I be an author? Please?" Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having new people writing once in a while. I just don't want so many contributors we can't keep track of things. Or something like that. However, the answer from now on will be no. Well, unless it's some special case, like you won a contest or someone on the blog is indebted to you somehow. Anyway, in general, the answer is no. Seriously. I won't even bother to ask you "Are you physically able to?"

Please don't faint! Below I have listed several reasons you don't actually want to be an author on the blog. I  can probably think of more.

1. If anything strange or unexplained happens on the blog, you will be blamed. No matter how irrational it is, you will be blamed. We founders of Why Not 2000, especially GM, are generally very suspicious.

2. You will not post. It's so true. Oh sure, you'll post nonstop the first week, but soon you'll disappear amost.  A quick look at our current authors proves this. Many of our contributors no longer post. Alec, Andrew, N, I'm referring to you! Okay, maybe not N... He somewhat has legitimate excuses...

3. Authors actually have limited power. Besides post there is nothing you can do. Tsk tsk tsk. As Lily, current guest author, will probably tell you, it gets very annoying to have no control over the blog's design. Everything is done by the administrators.

4. There are better things to do! If you really want to blog, create your own blog! I promise you it is very easy. You can change the colors, the template, the name, the URL, and so on. It's a much better opportunity than blogging here! If you do make a blog, give us the link. We might share the link and get you more viewers! Hooray for you! Seriously though. Make a blog! Now. Shoo. Go. Yes, you who desperately wants to post. Uh huh. Run along now. Still aren't gone? Well, I guess you don't really want to blog then...

Friday, February 22, 2013


Stop this anger please. It is making me kinda...well, I don't know what to say...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Barbarianism, Says GM

What's going on is complex, so bear with me. GM's fish died, and she changed the background to black in mourning. N changed it completely and without permission, and RF changed it back to Awesome Inc.. So, yeah. Barbarianism. Please stay out of the way. Blog members only.


Things are a little messy here at Why Not 2000 Headquarters (a metaphorical place with no real physical existence...). GM, N, and I are having a, um, disagreement.
Sorry if the blog appears with weird text, backgrounds, or angry posts. Hang on, people!

Barbarian Alert!

Some barbarian has decided that it's okay to change the blog back to a colorful background! How could you?!
And it's not even the right background!

Also, they even had the nerve to change the fish feeding game!



A couple minor-ish adjustments have taken place. Bear with us! Comment about the changes if you wish.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

(Disclaimer: I did not create the image above or any images below.)

Do you really? Okay, hormone filled teenaged females (and males but significantly less males, I would guess), let's analyze this want of yours....
It's quite simple really.
You want to be held in the arms of your significant other or someone else until the end of time, right?
The "proper" reply would be something like, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Dat's soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute and thweeeeeeet and womaaaaaaantic!"
Uh, no.
It is neither cute not sweet nor romantic to be held in a death grip by anyone forever. I have not had any personal experience with this, but I am 99.99...% (which would really be 100% although N disagrees with this simple fact) sure that this would be not only highly uncomfortable and inconvenient but also embarrassing and awkward. Just think about it.
Let's assume you somehow get this request of yours.

Musical Monday 13 - I Knew You Were Trouble/Taylor Swift

Yes, yes, Lily here...
RF is too busy with projects and she granted me permission to do one since we are way behind on these. Here it is! Thought it would be cool for a neon effect with the black background...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Viewer Contest Update

There will be a contest for 7777, 8888, 9999, 10000, 11111, 22222, 33333, etc.
The prize will be 21 days of authorship or a Ask Wendy guest author since *cough*Alex and Connor *cough* never did it

New Look

What do you personally think of the blog's  new look? What about the 2 fishies? I personally didn't like the black at first but kinda got used to it. At first, I thought blogger had an error. I liked the old background better so are you admins changing it back?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some Gifs


 Disclaimer: Not my images.

About Lily

Hi. This is Lily. Just  a boring welcome! The reason why I am here is because I won Lucky 6666 contest. I am here for a month like Connor. Wow..when I am typing this, it has the red "mistake" lines under Connor. Well, I have way better geography skills now than before. I know all Eastern Europe countries/capitals and West Indies/ Latin/ South America countries/capitals. Let's ask Connor if he knows them....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

About an Author: Connor

Hi. I feel like I haven't formally, properly, or thoroughly introduced my self. I'm Connor. I have correct grammar, and I like to point out typos, very much like RF. I am not, however, such a literalist as to analyze everything that comes across my path with a scrutinizing gaze and an ignorance to the meanings of various words and sayings of figurative and metaphorical language. But no offense to RF. Rants do come and go with the slightest provocation. But I do digress. I am the tallest member of this blog, in contrasts to N's humorous shortness. I am the only Caucasian on this blog, and in fact, the only non-Asian, too. I won the 5555 contest, and have been graciously and generously been gifted a month's authorship that ends on March 2nd. Lily has won 6666, and like I, has only a month's authorship, which ends on March 15th, but our writings together compose around 35% to 40% of the writings since our arrival. We plan to stay, for better, or for worse.

Six: The Number Series Continued

Six is special. It is the smallest number that is not prime nor a square. It is also a perfect number, since 1, 2, and 3, which are it's factor, together sum up to be six itself. Six (0110) is also the 4-bit binary counterpart of 9 (1001). Six is also a lucky number in traditional Chinese culture; however, the number 666 is associated with evil and the devil in Christian religion. Interstate 666 has been reported to be the sight of many hauntings, supernatural disturbances, and many strange murders and kidnappings. Six is also the age of which most children start kindergarten, at least in the United States of America, that is. So remember, six is a very special number to the world.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Is that needed?!"

What the heck? I was just looking at some quotes on the bottom and check that out. Are they that stupid? I bet he is that boy, (I am not naming any names). N should really put this in idiots these days. I can picture it really clearly.

3rd chair," quote up there"
2nd," Sure!"
3rd," *Hits 2nd*"
2nd, "Ahhh!!! !@#$%^&*^%$#@!!!!"
Mr. Scott, "Ughh...another suspension and another health form!"

Racism These Days

Classmate: "Do you like McDonald's?"
Classmate:" Good cuz I woulda' said you are black cuz black people love McDonalds!" (That was not my poor grammar. He talks that way.)

Classmate: "Hey! That Asian girl on this book looks like you! *Points to a random Asian girl*
Random Asian:"Umm..."
Classmate 2:"You racist!!!"

Person:"What do you call a white girl who has 2 black friends?"
Person 2: OREO!!
Both: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Person 3: Racist! I don't like you!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Last Words

I read a book a while back with a girl who liked learning about people's last words before they died.
Here are some ones I like and a couple that I put in just because I thought you might be interested.

  • "No comment." -Edward Abbey, when asked whether he had any last words
  • "You be good. See you tomorrow. I love you." -Alex, a parrot used in psychology research to his handler when he was put into his cage for the night 
  • "Am I dying, or is this my birthday?" -Lady Nancy Astor
  • "I can't sleep." -J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan
  • "No." -Alexander Graham Bell, when is wife told him not to leave her, he wrote the word "no"
  • "Vivo!" -Caligula, vivo means "I live!"
  • "I'm so bored with it all." -Winston Churchill
  • "Kurt Russel." -Walt Disney, unknown meaning; Kurt Russell, who was 15 at the time, didn't know either
  • "It's very beautiful over there." -Thomas Edison
  • "Children be comforted, I am well." -Joseph Haydn
  • "Leave the shower curtain on the inside of the tub." -Conrad Hilton, when asked for last words of wisdom
  • "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." -Steve Jobs
  • "Die, my dear? Why that's the last thing I'll do!" -Groucho Marx
Any you like in here? 


Monday, February 11, 2013

More Frustration from Explore- 2/11/13

Arghhh! For the last time, I do not hate myself!!!! Do you want me to hate myself? Is that it? Huh? Huh? Huh?
I think you are trying to be positive here, but again, I do not like this!
I do not hate myself!!! Geez. Get over it! Sorry, that's mean....
How about "While I do not enjoy or embrace your post, I respect that you believe so strongly in something." There we go!

Care to read more?

In Memory of the Fishies

I had a terrible weekend.

I used to have 6 fish.
Now, I have two.

In memory of the four fish, The Feeding the Fishies Game will only have two fish and a black background indefinitely.

Also, I wanted to black out the blog, but the template we have now is no longer available on Blogger, so RF or Tech Support (cough, cough, Nilai, cough, cough) will have to back it up before I make any changes to the blog's color.

Some of you might wonder why I am making a big fuss over my tetras' deaths.
Let me begin explaining with a quote from The Average Person Who Had a Fish:

"When my fish died, I flushed them down the toilet."

Okay, now I would like to say to The Average Person Who Had a Fish:

Most fish go their entire lives without doing a single thing that is bad.
They don't lie, murder on purpose, cheat, steal, commit crimes, bully( like that person with the terrible anti-bullying meme), do drugs, be selfish, or harm others.

In other words, they pretty much are the perfect law-abiding citizen of any place.
They never did anything wrong, yet people, the worst creature in the world , are still treated with more respect than fish are.

Also, RIP does not stand for rest in peace.

If any of you people change the background back from black and/or change the fish feedind game, then I have this to say to you:



the pope resigns

i am not christian so alec, rachel, or grace should do something on it

101 ways to annoy People

Here is the rest of it

Idiots these days update

some people think that idiots these days should be discontinued because of offensive terms
vote if u want it or not


You voted an alec will not be an admin it was 4 to 1


lily will be an author from feb 15th for one month

Friday, February 8, 2013

More from Explore... 2/8/13

Here we go again...

I'm going to reply to this first with a wonderful quote from GM. "Argggh! Bleghhhghh!"
Second, I'm going to point out how vague this is. "It's not cool to call somebody fat, ugly or something." Apparently if I meet someone who is nice, it would not be "cool" for me to say, "Oh, you are a nice person." *releases an exagerated depressed and frustrated sigh*
I also find the tone to be patronizing ("I shouldn't have to tell you that...") but maybe I'm just reading into it too far?
*Edit: I realize the picture is missing... I'll try to find it online sometime soon...*

The Number Series is Back! 5!

5 is a special number. We have five fingers and toes on each extremity. There are five main animal groups: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians. There are five elements in Chinese alchemy: Fire, Water, Air, Wood, and Metal. And Greek alchemy has five as well: Fire, Water, Air, Earth. and Aether. That is why 5 is special.

Unofficial Idiots These Days 5

One Direction.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Canadian Penny

Sorry this is a day late, but I felt compelled to share this news with anyone who might not have heard...
Well, the Canadian penny has been discontinued.

studyandlove: takes the time to commemorate the Canadian penny as it officially heads into retirement starting today.
There’s still about 6 million in circulation so there’s no way of knowing how long until they are phased out completely, but the government estimates scrapping the coin will save them about 11 million dollars a year.

Congratulations, Canada, for acting rationally.
You are not just America’s hat. In this way and many others, you are America’s wise and resource-rich uncle whom just as a reminder we could conquer at any time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's Not Over, Not Even By a Long Shot

So, everyone thinks they have Wendy figured out. But all of you except RF and me are wrong about Wendy's identity. Yes, probably even Nilai.

Why are you all wrong?
Because of this clue:

Sometimes Wendy will be -----------------.
Other times, Wendy might be ----------------.
Wendy might have been ------------- once.
And the rest of the time, Wendy will be ------------.

No, the dashes have no meaning besides the fact they are representing someone's name.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog update

wendy is getting very mad that connor and alec didnt respond to the ask wendy thing that they were supposed to do

connor is now an author because he won 5555

i started idiots these days

rf is doing rants
gm isnt doing much
we recently added andrew ru
alec keeps trying to uprise
we are approaching 200 posts
whynot2000's birthday isnt till 172 more days
voki wednesdays and sucky saturdays have been discontinued

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Time to rub it into people's faces. Well today we had Mathcounts Chapter competition. So first of all... First place goes to White Station Middle School!!! We get to go to State!!!! We need to beat Montgomery Bell Academy!!!! Second place goes to MUS!!! Go Chang Yu and your teammates who are all douchebags ( calling us cheaters BECAUSE WE OWNED YOUR BUTT!!!!) Okay, individuals in Sprint... First place surprisingly goes to some random girl who goes to Hutchison...( I hate you Virginia Mcdonald....) Second and Third goes to Jennifer and Ohm.. Too smart... Ok Countdown.... One problem 45 seconds or less. First to get it right gets a point. Best out of three until semifinals... Well First Place goes to Ohm... He killed me. Second goes to me!!! I beat Chang. Who everyone was rooting for. And I beat the first place girl!! YAY ME!!! HEY N YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME!!!

I know very depressing for RF and N but DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Best Friends

Idiots these days 4

Sorry, lily for calling u an idiots
ur iq is probably above 20

to answer ur question i am pretty sur it is because she is asian
and what is "wiz" and "er"

idiots these days 3

I went to Little Ceasers to get get some awesome crazy bread and pizza. so we ordered but they said the pizza would take a while so we asked for the crazy bread. They gave us the crazy bread and we went to some store called "home goods" next door. As we were shopping some random japanese kid and his friends came up to me and was like "g'day mate" with a fake austailian accent. He then walked away laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever. He was probably dared by his friends. In about 2 seconds i came up with an awesome comeback. I was like"'sup, brosky". This made him laugh even more. Then we went back to Little Ceasers to pick up our pixxa and cahier gave us more crazy bread plus the pizza. She probably forgot she already gave it to us. Anyway, free cazy bread.