Sunday, February 17, 2013

About an Author: Connor

Hi. I feel like I haven't formally, properly, or thoroughly introduced my self. I'm Connor. I have correct grammar, and I like to point out typos, very much like RF. I am not, however, such a literalist as to analyze everything that comes across my path with a scrutinizing gaze and an ignorance to the meanings of various words and sayings of figurative and metaphorical language. But no offense to RF. Rants do come and go with the slightest provocation. But I do digress. I am the tallest member of this blog, in contrasts to N's humorous shortness. I am the only Caucasian on this blog, and in fact, the only non-Asian, too. I won the 5555 contest, and have been graciously and generously been gifted a month's authorship that ends on March 2nd. Lily has won 6666, and like I, has only a month's authorship, which ends on March 15th, but our writings together compose around 35% to 40% of the writings since our arrival. We plan to stay, for better, or for worse.

1 comment:

  1. So much cheese!
    I'm kidding, it's just your writing style, which isn't a bad thing by the way.
