Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For!

(Disclaimer: I did not create the image above or any images below.)

Do you really? Okay, hormone filled teenaged females (and males but significantly less males, I would guess), let's analyze this want of yours....
It's quite simple really.
You want to be held in the arms of your significant other or someone else until the end of time, right?
The "proper" reply would be something like, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Dat's soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute and thweeeeeeet and womaaaaaaantic!"
Uh, no.
It is neither cute not sweet nor romantic to be held in a death grip by anyone forever. I have not had any personal experience with this, but I am 99.99...% (which would really be 100% although N disagrees with this simple fact) sure that this would be not only highly uncomfortable and inconvenient but also embarrassing and awkward. Just think about it.
Let's assume you somehow get this request of yours.

After 5 seconds

Awww! We are so cute!

After 5 minutes
Okay.... I'm getting a little bit bored....

After 5 hours

Can we stop hugging already? I need to use the bathroom!!!

After 5 days (assuming people come and feed you food and provide you with other necessities because they feel bad for you)

Okay. We can still sort of do stuff while pretty much being attached to each other... This is getting weird though...

After 50 years (assuming people come and feed you food and provide you with other necessities because they feel bad for you)
Why did we choose this????? WHY????

After 12,000 years...



(Don't ask how they changed clothes or used the bathroom or anything else. These are the best representations I could find.)

Inspired by


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. soemthing that i changed my mind about b/c the blog looked well...weird

  3. God, its a metaphor, you dont really hold them forever. this is what you say when you fell true love!!!!!!!

    1. I happen to disagree... It would be a hyperbole, if not a literal statement. (By the way, are you call me a deity? Oh, and are you opposed to apostrophes? Do not be offended...)

      Plus, I have this feeling that most people upon feeling, excuse me, "felling" true love do not proclaim, "I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go." At least I can't imagine myself saying that, but that's just me obviously...
