Monday, February 11, 2013

In Memory of the Fishies

I had a terrible weekend.

I used to have 6 fish.
Now, I have two.

In memory of the four fish, The Feeding the Fishies Game will only have two fish and a black background indefinitely.

Also, I wanted to black out the blog, but the template we have now is no longer available on Blogger, so RF or Tech Support (cough, cough, Nilai, cough, cough) will have to back it up before I make any changes to the blog's color.

Some of you might wonder why I am making a big fuss over my tetras' deaths.
Let me begin explaining with a quote from The Average Person Who Had a Fish:

"When my fish died, I flushed them down the toilet."

Okay, now I would like to say to The Average Person Who Had a Fish:

Most fish go their entire lives without doing a single thing that is bad.
They don't lie, murder on purpose, cheat, steal, commit crimes, bully( like that person with the terrible anti-bullying meme), do drugs, be selfish, or harm others.

In other words, they pretty much are the perfect law-abiding citizen of any place.
They never did anything wrong, yet people, the worst creature in the world , are still treated with more respect than fish are.

Also, RIP does not stand for rest in peace.

If any of you people change the background back from black and/or change the fish feedind game, then I have this to say to you:



  1. Is it considered barbaric to feed deceased pet fish to a living pet turtle?

  2. You spelled feeding wrong. And what if we buried them? It would be the least I could do to console you.

  3. so...i hate the color black! it's a crazy background!
    when i had fish b4, i just buried them
    my friends recently had fishies that died and they hosted a mini funeral with a obituary or whatever that funeral speech is called.

    1. You barbarian! (Just kidding.)
      The funeral speech is a eulogy or just called funeral speech, I think. An obituary is the little section in the newspaper that says who died and what things the person accomplished.
